Ok, so if you haven’t noticed (and if I haven’t been on about it enough already….!) 2015 is almost here.
I love planning – not long term planning, I don’t have the patience for it – I love knowing exactly what’s going on and when!
And I LOVE stationery! So I always use a proper diary and several (read as very, very many!!) notepads.
But I’ve always found a couple of things lacking…
Firstly I wanted to see the month as a whole, to know where my busy weeks and quiet weeks are so that I can schedule things to suit me. Seeing a month as a whole also allows me to plan my marketing strategy and any campaigns.
Secondly I wanted to see my sales target! Pride of place at the top of my page, so I know what I’m aiming for and I can really work out how to get there.
So, this year I’m printing monthly overviews, so I know exactly what’s going on! And I’m sharing it here for you too.
Example of January.
To download the calendar simply click on the links for each month below.
Print them, and more importantly use them.
Get everything written down. Your goals, your plans and your sales targets.
Your tough love specialist and kick ass training buddy
– Sam