How do you deal with not having enough time to build your business?
This week we are talking about trying to squeeze your business in.
You seen, I’m lucky (well, maybe lucky isn’t the right word, I’ve been working hard at building my own businesses for the past 5 years) but I work full time in my own business now. I’m completely self employed.
And I love it. I love the flexibility that it brings.
It’s currently school holidays (If you listen carefully, you can probably here the Xbox blaring in the background of the video), so I snuck downstairs to record this video.
Sometimes, no matter how organised you are, you just don’t get the time you want to spend on your business.
Maybe it’s school holidays for you too,
Maybe you have little kids who aren’t at school yet
Maybe you are working a full time job and trying to build a business on the side
Maybe you are working part time
Or maybe you are just trying to deal with the million and one other things that happen in life, that take your time away from what you’d like.
The thing is, there is always something trying to pull our focus away, and sometimes we have to squeeze time in, to work on your business.
So today, I’m sharing with you 3 things that have helped me, that will make it a little bit easier for you to achieve what you want.
1: Be Realistic
It took me a long time to work this one out. I was so used to having all my time to do what I wanted, or having the desire to pull an 8 or 10 hour work day. I’d write this huge to-do list, and then I would be disappointed at the end of the day when I hadn’t finished it all.
If I was being realistic, there was no way it was ever going to fit.
You need to be realistic about the time you do have. There is no point comparing yourself to people who are getting heaps of stuff done, or getting new products launched, if they are working full time in their business… and you only have 2 hours a day, or 2 hours a week… or whatever it might be.
Be really realistic about what you can actually do with your time.
2: Be Flexible
This one is a bit hard, especially for someone like me who is a little OCD and likes to know what is going on… but sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Sometimes you have these great plans and then things change.
Yesterday, I took the kids ice-skating for the morning, and then we ended up at the doctors as my son had a suspected broken finger. It through the timing of my day out completely, which happens with kids.
(His finger is fine, don’t panic… my wrist on the other hand, is currently blue and purple )
This is what happens, you really just have to go with the flow and be flexible about your plans.
3: Squeeze things in where you can
Sometimes you just have to take the time that you have got. It might not be ideal, you might not like to work at 5am in the morning, you might not want to work 10pm at night… but if you want to get things done, you have to make the most of the time that you’ve got.
I had this discussion with a lady recently, who was worried that she wouldn’t have enough time for things.
When I first started building my businesses, I was doing it as a side hustle. I was working full time (and not 9 – 5… more like 7am til 6pm) plus I had paper work and things that I brought home with me outside of my work time. This meant that I was getting up at 4:30am or 5am in the morning, to put an hour of hustle in before I went.
I didn’t like being up at 5am in the morning to record videos and do things, but that was the only time I had available to me. It was the time when the kids were still asleep, the husband was still asleep and I could get a solid hour of work in.
If you want results, and you don’t have all of the time, then you are going to have to squeeze it in when you can. Sometimes it is going to mean that you just have to get up that little bit earlier, or go to bed that little bit later.
Don’t get me wrong, sleep is still important and you can’t go forever without sleep (trust me, I like at least 7 hours) but sometimes you will have to squeeze things in.
That’s my 3 biggest suggestions.
Be really realistic! Be kind to yourself, you can’t do it all.
Be flexible, go with the flow.
Squeeze it in where you can. It’s not ideal, but it’s not permanent. Side hustles become full time hustle eventually and school holidays have an end.
Make the most of what you’ve got and go with the flow. I have faith in you.
Tell me below.
What are your tips for getting it all done?