07/05/2019 by Sam Leave a Comment
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
I’ll be really honest here, if I only ever got anything done when I was feeling motivated to do it… well, nothing would ever get done.
Motivation ebbs and flows. It’s natural.
But unfortunately, projects and deadlines don’t always wait for you to feel super motivated about them.
And even if you don’t have a deadline, chances are you have plenty of your own projects which could do with some love.
So, this post is perfect for when you are feeling over it…
Because trust me, we’ve all been there.
Some days you feel like you can take over the world, and others you struggle to even turn the laptop on.
So when your mojo has gone walk about, try some of the following things.
Take time off.
No, seriously… time off. No emails, no social media, no work, no “I’ll just read this blog post”. Take time off, clear your head and get out for a bit.
An hour, a day, a week… take as much time as you need. It will give you the space to think clearly and work out what you really want. You’ll come back with renewed excitement (or just a better idea of the next steps).
Chat to a bestie.
This can work 2 ways.
One, chat to a non-business bestie. You don’t need to talk about business at all, you just need someone who gets you and makes you feel more human again.
But, if you’ve got a business bestie who gets you, that is awesome too. They can give you a big hug, then a gentle push in the right direction.
And if you don’t feel like to have anyone to talk to, make sure you come on over the The RealLifeBiz Facebook Group for a vent, or join the Support Crew and we’ll be your bestie.
Start small
Give yourself one very easy task. Smash it, tick it off and do a happy dance.
Sometimes we just need to feel like we are getting somewhere, actually making progress on that giant list of things to do. This is especially true if you have a list of big projects that all feel too overwhelming.
Push that list aside for a bit, and make a new one, with only one teeny tiny task on it.
Get that done, tick it off, and then (and ONLY then) add one more tiny task.
Keep a happy folder.
This is a folder full of testimonials, screen shots of nice things people have said about you, pictures of you being boss. Because there will be times when you feel like shit, when you think you can’t do it, when you’ve received a bad review or come across a hater… and at times like that, you’ll want a happy folder.
Ask for support.
You don’t have to do this alone. Reach out and ask for support.
That might be help around the house (from family, friends or paid help)
That might be business help (ask a business friend for help, ask in the group, or hire someone)
Or it might just be that you need a hug. Ask for that too.
Remember, people WANT to help you. Let them help.
Know that you are completely normal.
Motivation ebbs and flows. Some days are great, others not so much.
And that is completely human and completely normal.
Big love to you xx