What the f**k do you sell?

Last week I shared with you how I’d had a massive month in sales… and the steps I took to get there (If you haven’t read it yet, you really should – it’s here!)

And at the very bottom of the post I mentioned that it is important to be really clear on what you offer and your price points.

Now this might sound simple… but I want you to stop for a sec and really think about it.

1: Are you really clear on what you sell?

As trainers we like to build new things to suit new needs – which is fine – but it also makes it hard to really verbalise what we sell.

Write down everything that you have on sale or could sell and then take a moment to look at the list…

How long is it?
How many of those products/courses/programs are actually selling?
Where do most of your sales come from?

Last year, I sat down and did the same for everything I had (and If you know me at all, you’ll know that I like to get distracted by pretty shiny things and start new projects) – my list was huge!!!

No wonder things weren’t selling well – it took me forever to work out what I was selling, no wonder everyone was struggling to work it out.

So I hacked back the list – I took the list back to some of the key qualifications that we offered, plus a small range of in house workshops and online training… I created a product list with prices down the side, just like you’d see on a menu – and stuck it to my whiteboard.

Once I was really clear on the few things I wanted to offer, it was much easier to create sales pages, landing pages and free offers to suit them.

2: Is your customer really clear on what you sell?

I’ve actually lost count of the number of times I’ve loved someone’s stuff, their blogs, their writing style, their personality…. But can’t find out what they actually sell.

Just take my money, damn it!!

It’s a scary thought though – as a potential customer who actually wanted to give them money… I couldn’t. I couldn’t find a product or a service to buy.

The clearer you can make your offer, the less distractions you put in the way, the easier it is for your customer to make a buying decision.

Make sure your home page and “work with me” pages are really clear. Think about having an online shopping cart. Make sure that your customer can easily find what you sell, what you do, and what they have to do to give you money.

3. Be prepared to change!

Since I printed my price list and stuck it to my whiteboard things have changed… some old products were flops and have been canceled and some new ones have been created to take their place.

The moral of this story isn’t to print your list and stick to it – but instead, to limit the number of things you try to offer at once.

Offer one or two products/courses and kick ass with them. Focus on them, build a marketing strategy for them and create some massive results…

Rather than offering 20 different products and never have the time to give each of them the marketing and sales that they need.

So today, grab a pen and paper and make a list of everything that you have on sale, or that you could sell. Every course, every workshop, every ebook… everything!!

Then cull it!!

Choose a few primary offerings and really focus on them.

Your tough love specialist and ass kicking training buddy…
– Sam

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