The ONE thing you must have on your sales page…

Ok – so in reality, there are a couple of things that you need to have on your sales page, including somewhere where you prospective client can actually give you money or commit to the sale (It’s kind of helpful!)

But beyond that, there is one vital component – forget to include it and your leaving valuable sales on the table…

Know what it is yet?

Social proof!

Social proof – proof from others, comes in many different forms. I’m sure you are aware of testimonials and reviews, in fact 70% of buyers say they would check the reviews before making a purchase… but consider the other ways in which social proof is used:

– TV shows used canned laughed and “fake” audiences as social proof. The feeling that other people are enjoying the show, is designed to allow you to feel more positive about the show too.
– Night clubs cap entry to create a line outside the venue. The line of people waiting shows social proof that the night club is popular and increases its appeal to others.
– Blogs and content based sites show their number of current subscribers and use phrases such as “join 20,000 other entrepreneurs to get the latest information” to increase their subscription rate.

If you are not using social proof on your sales page, you will be missing out on valuable sales.

The one thing you MUST have on your sales page…

Ok – so in reality, there are a couple of things that you need to have on your sales page, including somewhere where you prospective client can actually give you money or commit to the sale (It’s kind of helpful!)

But beyond that, there is one vital component – forget to include it and your leaving valuable sales on the table…

Know what it is yet?

Social proof!

Social proof – proof from others, comes in many different forms. I’m sure you are aware of testimonials and reviews, in fact 70% of buyers say they would check the reviews before making a purchase… but consider the other ways in which social proof is used:

– TV shows used canned laughed and “fake” audiences as social proof. The feeling that other people are enjoying the show, is designed to allow you to feel more positive about the show too.
– Night clubs cap entry to create a line outside the venue. The line of people waiting shows social proof that the night club is popular and increases its appeal to others.
– Blogs and content based sites show their number of current subscribers and use phrases such as “join 20,000 other entrepreneurs to get the latest information” to increase their subscription rate.

If you are not using social proof on your sales page, you will be missing out on valuable sales.

So what do you need to know?

– Positive social proof is more influential that saving money. When split tested, results have shown that people are more likely to be persuaded to buy or commit by testimonials and reviews, than they are by a discount.
– Social proof works better with pictures. Putting a face to a name makes a testimonial or review more believable.
– People are influenced by similar people. This is why the phrase “join 20,000 other (people like you) works so well.
– And lastly, authority rules. Showing notable clients that you already work with increases the likelihood that you will get similar clients. Similarly, having your product or service promoted by an “authority” figure, that is someone who your client looks up to, increases your conversion… just think of how many celebrity endorsements there are.

So how can you take this information and start making positive changes? Start by doing any of the following:

– Make sure you show reviews or testimonials on your sales page
– Where possible, use images of your client along with your testimonial
– Show the number of people who have already purchased, joined or subscribed to encourage others (be careful here: there is some research that shows a very low number – eg: “join 1 other subscriber” is worse than no social proof.
– Use a waiting list, rather than allowing customers to buy straight away – just as a night club uses a line outside the building.
– If possible, find an authority figure that you can build a connection with.

How else do you use social proof?

Share your thoughts for me below,

Your tough love specialist and ass kicking training buddy…

– Sam

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