The next step to create your online course – Episode 2.23

Show Notes:

No matter where you are in your course creation journey, there is a lot to be said for taking a pause and reviewing what you have done and what you plan to do. 

1.       If you are thinking of creating a course and are at the beginning of your course creation journey, what I want you to do next is to write down exactly what you are going to teach in what order.   A course map is an overview or outline that helps you to consolidate your thoughts and logically think about what goes where, and is an incredibly important step in developing a successful course. 

2.       If you are part-way through writing a course, I want you to pause, review what you have done and take stock.   It is easy to get bogged down in all of the things that you have to do; there are so many moving parts when writing a course and sometimes the job feels overwhelming.  It really helps if you take a moment to write a physical list of all the things you have done and then another list of all the things you still need to do – and celebrate your accomplishments.  

3.       If you already have a completed course, I want you to leave it for a while.   Once people have started to complete the course, do a course review and learn from them what works and doesn’t work.

Action Steps:

If you are at the beginning of your course creation journey – put together a course map. 

If you are in the middle of your course creation journey – pause and take stock of what you have and haven’t done. 

If you are at the end of your course creation journey – wait until some students have completed the program and then ask and learn what worked and didn’t work for them. 

Contact me and let me know what you have done and where you are at so I can celebrate your wins with you!

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