Thank you, course creators

Well we’ve reached the end of 2019, and the start of the new decade, and I have to say I’m feeling incredibly grateful.
Grateful to you. For the wonderful people out there who read these posts, who join my groups, who hire my services, who trust me and put faith in me.

Here’s why:

The last 2 years have been big for me, but not in a business sense.
Having a baby in February 2018 and then another in March 2019 has kept me fairly busy (who’d have thought, right?!)

Between being as big as a house (and very unproductive) then a batch of maternity leave, then looking after a baby, who grew into a toddler, and then doing that all again… my hands have been full.
(As a bit of an A type personality, who loves to tick things off a list, the endless feeds, changes, and nappies drives me a little insane)

I felt like these last 2 years were very much just me treading water.

Especially when it came to my business.

But that’s why I need to say thank you… because without you all, I wouldn’t still be here.

Thank you to the almost course creators

Yup – to those of you who are thinking about a course, but are only part way there (or haven’t even started yet)… thank you.
Because you take the time to read my content, interact with my page, and ask me questions.

Your views and engagement are the basis of social media presence, and help me decide which content to produce next.

Please, make the most of this content.
This is for you 🙂 Use the free templates, read the blog posts, ask questions in the Content to Courses group.
I know plenty of people who’ve created amazing courses with just my free content, and that makes me so happy to know.

Thank you to the course creators

Those of you over the 2 years who invested in me privately, and allowed me to build your online platforms for you.

We’ve built some pretty awesome platforms and content together, and I’m always excited to see new programs launch.
Thank for your trust in me, for your commitment to yourself, and for your investment in creating an amazing outcome, especially as there was a baby on my shoulder for most of our live calls.

Thank you.

Thank you to the Support Crew and 2020 Mastermind peeps

You’ve showed up week after work and done the work.

For the 2020 Mastermind peeps, you’re just starting the process, but each of you have embraced my guidelines and are stepping up to have your biggest year of change yet.
Thank you for booking calls around my changing schedule ( and luckily for the support crew, I gave birth 3 days after our last March call, giving me a week leeway before the next one)

And for the year ahead

Thank you in advance

Because I know the internet is a busy place.
Because I know your inbox is full, and your time is precious
Because I know there are a million and one things you could be doing right now

But you took the time to read this instead.

So thank you, thank you for now, and thank you for everything you will do in the year ahead.

I wouldn’t have a business without my audience or my clients… and I’m feeling super grateful.

What are you feeling grateful for right now?
Who do you want to say thank you to?

Take a couple of moments to make a comment below, and let them know why you are grateful for them.

2 thoughts on “Thank you, course creators”

  1. I want to say thank you to my friends who supported me through 2019 – it was a rough year and people were always telling me to be kind to myself; something I forget to do!

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