Success Planning

There a lots of people selling magic pills – I’m sure you’ve seen them… Guarantees to make you a 6 or 7 figure income from their easy 4 step strategy…

There are lots of people promising to make you rich…

Want to know my secret?
Success plan

Blunt, but true.

Step one: Work out what you want.
Sounds silly, but a lot of people don’t really know what they want from their business and their life. What is success to you? How many dollars do you want a month? How will you spend your work time? How will you spend your down time?
Become really clear on what it is that you want.

Step two: Write that shit down
I’m sure you’ve heard about the study done on Harvard MBA graduates (if you haven’t you can read more here). Moral of the story is that those with written goals where earning on average up to ten times as much as the rest of their classmates after 10 years. Success doesn’t have to be all about money (although if you’re business isn’t making a profit, then it’s really just an expensive hobby – we’ll talk more about that later), but it does need to be measurable.

Write down your goals, make them measurable and stick them somewhere you can see them.

Step three: Make a fucking plan
A goal is lovely and all, but you need to work out how the hell you are going to make it happen. Write out a plan, break it into small actionable steps and schedule time to complete those steps. Put them in your diary and commit to your deadlines.

Without a clear plan it is very easy to loose your way, even with written goals.

Step four: Work on it – every single day
Stick to your schedule – follow it!

Take massive action every day towards your goal. Look  at the items on your to do list and look at which are just fillers (you know the tasks, the ones that are urgent, but really not important in getting you towards your goal).
So there you go – your magic pill

Now you just have to implement it

– Sam