Real Business Chat

Let’s talk “real” business.

Yesterday (well, recently) I was Blabing with the amazing Trudy Simmons, and we were talking about what it’s really like to be in business.

I discussed the things that I shared with you last week, and comparing myself to others.

She was sharing about trying to balance her life. She’s in Italy at the moment, living the real laptop lifestyle. But that means that she’s trying to balance the work she should be doing with her desire to go and look at the wonderful place that she is in.

No off course, we don’t all have the problem of trying to balance travel around Italy with work (for me it’s more about balancing a relationship, children and several businesses… and a head cold).

The blab went from how we are busy comparing ourselves to others, that we forget that we are not the same as them. We’re so busy looking at all these perfect things on social media, that we get caught up and forget about what works for us.

The moral of the story is that you are not them. And what goes on social media isn’t the full truth anyway. You don’t see the cold early mornings… you don’t see things like in this video actually. Full head cold, 6am in the morning, hair scrapped back, hoodie on because it’s cold this morning…

You don’t see those things because they don’t want you to see them. Everyone has those moments. They show you the glitz and glam, but there is plenty of stuff on the other side that is not so pretty.

That’s what I wanted to tell you today.
You don’t need to compare yourself on the internet.
Not everything on social media is true

But more than that

You are you.
Your life, your business, what you define as balance, and what works, is all specific to you.
People can give you the best advice.
I can share what’s worked for me
I can share what has worked for others.
But at the end of the day, you are you. Your business is personally yours, and no one can give you an idea solution.

If you are on the internet and stumble across someones website selling the ONE solution you need, well it’s bullshit. There is no one things for everyone, because you are different to me, and I am different to the person next to me.

So today, I implore you to take an accurate reflection of your business.
Look at the numbers and sales, the money coming in
Look at the expenses and what is going out
How do you feel about it all? What do you enjoy? what do you hate?
Which bits really aren’t working for you?
What are you doing simply because you are following someones elses system, that you don’t want to do?

Challenge this week: Sit and do a really honest reflection on your business.
Are you trying to keep up with the Jones, or are you building the business you want to build.

6 thoughts on “Real Business Chat”

  1. Nycole Lloyd

    I so get you Sam… the ‘show reel’ of Social Media leaves so many people feeling less than…

    My honest reflection has been going for a while. I’ve probably spent the last few months learning what is truly MY values and goals and what are other peoples. Sticking to what I want to achieve is the next path for me.

    Hence, I am here hanging out with you and finding my way. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Nycole,

      Ah so true, the good old show reel of social media.

      It’s taking me a long time to work out what MY goals are, because I got so caught up in everyone else’s. So glad to have you hanging here with us.

      We’re here to help you find you and find what works for you xx

  2. Hi Sam! I’m watching this struggling to get going coz I feel poorly too. Hope you feel better soon.

    In my business I’m still experimenting, trying to find what’s right for me – is it written blogs, or maybe video blogs like yours. Is it live streaming, or podcasting. It’s a little confusing, but I’m looking for what sits right with me, and it’s trial and error. But I’ll get there!

    I’ve long since stopped being impressed with ยฃ6 figure launches!

    I love your down to earth, realistic approach Sam, keep doing what you do!

    Jane x

    1. Jane,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I hope you are feeling a little better now too.

      Honestly, I think I am still experimenting too, always trying new things. Keep going until you find what works for you ๐Ÿ™‚

      You rock xxx

  3. I’m watching this video now only and I’m sure you recovered since! Your video made me think about a tip I was once given: if you are scared or too impressed by someone, imagine delivering a number 2. Beyonce, Obama or your favorite superb fitness coach on the porcelaine; not sexy, but useful to make us feel better sometimes? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Haha, Helene! I love the thought of doing that.
      Still recovering… it’s stuck around this cold, but thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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