Online courses don’t work – Episode 3.11

Show Notes:

Online courses don’t work.  This seems like a strange thing for an online course creator to make – but if you look at the stats this is something you could easily think.

The truth is online courses can work and do work, but it is worth considering some of the reasons that they don’t work so that we can improve those things. 

  1. Initial course login process is complicated/delayed.  In that period between pressing buy and getting access to their course materials, a student gets distracted and never comes back.   
  2. It’s easy to hide.   It is easy to drop away and never come back as there is no accountability.    
  3. It’s online.   It’s very easy for students to get distracted while on the internet. 

Action Steps:

What are you doing to make sure your course does work?   How easy it to get into your course content and log in?   How easy is it for your students to hide once they are in your course? 

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