Marketing Your Course with Jenn Donovan – Episode 2.8

Show Notes:

Welcome to another takeover episode of Course Creation Bites with special guest Jenn Donovan!

Online courses don’t magically sell themselves (as much as I wish they did) so this week we’re looking into marketing your online course, with the wonderful Jenn Donovan.

Jenn Donovan: ex-lawyer, ex-retailer, and now a marketing thought leader, coach, and mentor for small businesses. Not to mention a keynote speaker and podcaster (Small Business Made Simple)!

Jenn has a massive following on social media, with her Facebook alone having over 300,000 active members.

Jenn is all about community and believes that the currency of “community” is underestimated in business and in 2021 is more profound and relevant to the success of their business than most realise.

Connect with Jenn:

Instagram – @smallbusinessmadesimple
LinkedIn – @jenndonovan
Facebook – @socialmediaandmarketingau 

Action Step:

Think about Jenn’s great course marketing advice and work out how you can Show Up, Have a Strategy, and Sell!

Connect with Sam Winch About Your Online Course:


Content Into Courses Facebook Group
