I moved my desk…
A whirlwind revolution, I know!!
Ok, so it may not be all that exciting to you, in fact I am sure that you are wondering why on earth I am telling you that I moved my desk…
Well, the thing is, I actually learnt a hell of a lot in the process.
So here we go, 4 lessons you can learn, from me moving my desk
1. A change is as good as a holiday
This is an age old adage, but still holds very true. You see, moving my desk was like a little breath of fresh air. It encouraged me to sit and re-write my goals list, with goals that were bigger and more exciting and quicker.
It even broke my mental block. I’d be procrastinating over writing a specific document all day, moved my desk and 30 min later it was finished. Crazy, hey!
2. Stop and smell the roses
In life we take so much for granted, we are so busy, so time poor and we seem to lose sight of the little things that make it all worthwhile. By moving my desk, I can now see out through the big windows, across the balcony and into the trees beyond. There isn’t another house in sight, just blue sky and trees. It’s easy to get so caught up with everything to do that I forget I am blessed… so I’m now enjoying the view.
3. We hold on to a lot of “stuff”
This could be emotional or physical, but in my case it was definitely physical. Moving my desk meant pulling out all of the drawers to remove some of the weight… which meant looking at what I was actually holding on to in those drawers. Needless to say, there was a lot of unnecessary “stuff” – paperwork, files, and a HUGE amount of stationery (I have a little bit of an addiction to stationery….)
One huge clean out later and not only is my desk lighter and cleaner, but I feel a heap better… funny how those things work hey! (Don’t worry, all of the stationery is still safe! That’s not going anywhere)
4. Sometimes we do what we’ve always done
One of my favourite quotes is from Albert Einstein
“If you always do what you always done, then you’ll always get what you always got”… yet it’s so easy to do. Think about your routines, your morning, your daily schedule…
How often do you do the same things… just because you’ve always done them that way?
Which leads me to my second favourite Albert Einstein quote.
If you want different results it’s time for change.
Ok… so maybe moving my desk wasn’t all that exciting for you… but it was a great wake up call for me.
This week I challenge you to change something and be mindful of the results. You could:
– Change your office around
– Re-write new, bigger, more exciting goals
– Work from somewhere else for the day
– Change up your morning routine
And there are lots of other options.
So, what did you change this week? And more importantly, what did you learn from it??
– Your tough love specialist and kick ass training buddy,