As trainers (plus business owners, content writers, mothers/fathers, “taxi” drivers, zoo keepers, masterchefs and everything else you have to fit into your day) it seems that we are all on a constant quest to be more productive and get more done.
People often ask me how on earth I fit so much in and where I get the time for everything so I thought it was time to share some of my secrets.
– Be clear about where you are heading
Every month I draw up a working board. My working board is an A3 sheet of paper, with a list of all the big projects I want to achieve (you know the ones, those things that are too overwhelming, the ones that take many steps to complete). It might be things like re-design the website, or create a new course.
My working board is then stuck in front of my desk, so each day I can see where I’m heading and if what I am doing is leading me towards my goals for the month. (I also use an “Trello” online working board, so that everyone can share the plans, even from different offices. You can check out Trello here.)
– Set a very clear action list
Each day I have a clear list of things that I want to get done. A long time ago, I switched from call it my to do list and started calling it my action list (it somehow makes me feel better about it!). I make sure each step is small and manageable and I use a verb in every item eg. Blog post becomes “write a blog post” (You can watch Marie Forleo’s video on verbs here)
Making sure that each step is small, makes me much more likely to sit down and smash it out.
– Turn off
When I have to get through a ton of stuff, I make sure that I turn off social media and email (it’s hard I know, just do it!). Don’t check anything again til you have that task finished. No You-tube, No Facebook, no quickly checking your phone to see if you got a text or email – just focus!
– Turn on
If I have a lot of writing to do (and you may not know, but I hate writing – content writing, blog writing, anything… I would much rather be talking!) I use a tool called “focus at will” to get more done. (Check them out here). Focus at Will is a music website which is specifically designed to help you focus. The music is scientifically designed to engage with your brain’s limbic system. This soothes the easily distracted fight or flight mechanism increasing attention span and general focus.
Sounds pretty crazy right? But I know that I get more done!
– Set a time limit
Set yourself 45min and see how much of your list you can get through. With all of your distractions turned off and with all of your focus, you might surprise yourself. At the end of this time, you can reward yourself – it might be Facebook, a coffee, a walk around the block.
– Take breaks!
It may seem like I get a lot done, but I also take a lot of breaks and get a lot of down time. By using all of the tips above I find that I get through work very quickly, giving me more ME time.
You will find that you are far more productive in short bursts, than you would be if you chained yourself to the computer for the next 12 hours.
I challenge you – try the tips above, implement, and see just how much you can get done in one 45min block.
– Sam
(I’d love to hear your tips for being productive too – share them with me!)