How to be confident…

Today I wanted to share a little something for you.

I’m right in the middle of running a free January Write that course challenge… and when I asked the members what has stopped them from turning their passion into a course before, they said “confidence”!

Not technical ability, no writing the actual content… but the confidence to release their knowledge into the world.

So I’m going to let you have a little sneak peak of what I am going to tell them…

So today… I want you to work out what you’ve been putting off because it scares you…

Maybe webinars scare the pants off you… maybe the thought of doing a live Q and A makes you want to run and hide…

Tell me… what have you put off??

– Sam

2 thoughts on “How to be confident…”

  1. Thank you, Sam. I love your straight-forward honesty and…courage.
    What really scares me is…being hurt by people with whom I have professional relationship. I am honest, straight-forward, I do a good job, I am good at many things, I am loyal, I bend backwards to accommodate a client. I fully give to clients, leads, prospects, colleagues. And I am fine if I get a NO. What hurts is when people you connected with simply ignore you or turn your back on you behind your back or punish you for a simple honest error as if it were a crime. But the way I got used to hearing a NO, I need to get used to being ignored or unjustly hurt in business. I need to toughen up while keeping my heart open to give to those who appreciate my gifts.
    Mhm, it seems that you have a way to encourage me to share my fears. Thank you, Sam.

    1. Marta, I am so glad that I could encourage you to share your fears 🙂

      We all have them, we all fear different aspects of our business. I think we have to remember that it’s not personal, and that the people who really want your gifts will appreciate them 10 fold.

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