This week is Q and A Wednesday…
Last week I reached out and asked, what questions do you have about creating a course? What scares you? What stops you from getting started? And what do you worry about getting right?
Big questions… and there were lots of responses.
But there was one great question…
Let’s be honest, this isn’t an easy question to answer as it will vary a lot from business to business and it will depend on lots of different variables.
However the two questions are almost one in the same, they are intertwined. I can’t separate them and give clear answers for each..
So instead, try answering the questions below.
1. How long do you want the course to be?
Ok, so this in itself is a big question, but it’s important. Were you thinking of having a 12 month program? Were you considering a 6/8 week course?
As a general rule, you don’t want to share more than one topic per week… this means a 12 month program would need 50 odd topics, and a 6 week course would need 6 topics.
2. How much do you want to charge?
If you are creating a high end course and want to charge a lot for it, then you need to make sure that it is filled with incredible value to match that. If you were considering making a lower end course and selling it for less money, then it needs less content. You still need to offer great value for the price point, but only enough to match the price point.
There isn’t a right or a wrong when it comes to building your courses….
And try not to get too caught up in what everyone else is doing. If all of your competition create 6 week courses, then it doesn’t mean that you have to. If everyone in your industry sells at a certain price point…. it doesn’t mean that you have to.
This is your course, your knowledge and your choice.
And remember: You’ve spent years learning your skills, improving your knowledge. You know a lot! You don’t need to put EVERYTHING you know into one course. Break it down, make it manageable.
Tell me, how long is your course?
– Sam
P.S: Please note, if you are creating a course within a university or college environment, that needs to meet national curriculum or accredited standards, then there may well be nominal hours – that is, a minimum number of hours that you students MUST complete. Ensure you understand the requirements of your indusrty before you jump in head first.