Getting work done… with kids

Ah – School holidays

While this isn’t specifically course related, getting work done is the backbone of getting results in ANYTHING, and this applies to courses too.

At some point you have to get stuck in and get things finished, you have to create content and maybe videos, you have to build websites, run ads, or even just return emails.

And that’s a lot of work at the best of times!

Now throw school holidays into the mix, and sometimes I feel like someone should play the theme of Mission Impossible while I try and complete a task (like recording this video for you).

So here are my 3, very honest, tips on how to get things done.

1. Be productive when you can
It would be lovely to get a full day of work in, but I know that’s not realistic. I know that I actually have the little bit of time before they wake up and then a little bit of time in the middle of the day while they have lunch and a rest.
Because these are fairly small amounts of time I need to make sure that they are productive as they can be.

2. Get really clear on what you need to do.
Especially if you have limited time available to you, but this also works on any given day.
Get really clear on the tasks you need to do, break them down into little steps and record them somewhere.
Then when you DO get time to do some work, you can see really quickly at easily, at a glance, what you need to start smashing out and what is a priority.

3. Turn off distractions.
When you are working, especially with limited time, you need to turn off everything that is going to distract you. I turn off my phone, all notifications, social media and even music that has lyrics. If I really have work that I need to get done quickly, I plug in my headphones, listen to Focus at Will and put all of my effort into getting that “thing” finished.

That’s it really. There is no fancy app, no magical tracking method, no way to make the kids be quiet for longer… you just have to get stuck in, make the most of any time you can get, and get stuff done.

Your challenge today: Get stuck in and get one thing done and dusted. Try and make it one of the things that has been sitting on your to-do list for a while.

4 thoughts on “Getting work done… with kids”

  1. Hey! Today I’m going to smash through the first chunk of my course (I’m doing your amazing Write that course challenge!)
    I have a 9 month old daughter so she’s just becoming mobile… and it’s increasingly difficult to get work done as I have to watch her more closely. I LOVE nap time. I also get most of my work done after she goes to bed at night (I’m a night person and the whole getting up early thing just doesn’t work for me).
    I’m sure as she grows, the challenge of getting things done will change and shift… but I’m ready for that challenge! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Hi Stacy ๐Ÿ™‚

      Ah – 9 months,.. what a wonderful time. The moment when they become mobile was terrifying for me, turn around for 2 secs and they’ve moved… lol.

      Nap time was amazing, I agree. My two definitely don’t do nap time anymore.

      You are right, the challenges just seem to change.

      Well done for smashing out your first chunk!! You rock..

  2. Hi Sam,
    This is my first school holidays while having my own business stint…..boy is it challenging! One of the reasons of starting my own business was to be able to work from home so that I could be here for the kids…..but no one told me about the mummy guilt that came with that too! it never really goes I guess does it!!

    Guilt because I’m working and leaving them to their own devices, guilty because I’m with them and not working!! I have found though that if I can do my work in the mornings and then close shop (so to speak!) around lunch time and hang out with them it’s kinda working – well this week anyway! it’s all trial and error I guess isn’t it!

    1. Emma, this is so so true.

      I get the Mum guilt as well, guilt if you do, guilt if you don’t.

      Try things and see what works for you, there isn’t a right and wrong ๐Ÿ™‚ You’ve got this.

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