This week we are talking about not being afraid to be spammy.
Welcome to week 4 of the Get Shit Done Challenge.
We are flying through, I hope you are making great progress on your goal.
This week we are talking about not being afraid to be spammy.
Part of the problem I see people having with self promotion of any sort (that is telling people about their awesome new course, or project) is they worry about being spammy.
And I understand, I really do, but here is why you don’t need to work about it.
Only a small portion of your email list ever open your emails.
Your email open rate might be 15%, 30% or even 50%. Even if you get 50%, that means the other half of your email list, never saw the email. You can send it again, especially just to the people who didn’t open the first one and let them know about your amazing new thing.
It’s not that you are being spammy, it is just that they didn’t see it the first time, we know that from the stats.
It is the same when you post it to your Facebook page or profile.
You can see the number of people reached. If your stats are anything like mine, then you will know that the number of people seen, is much less than the number of fans on your page. I regularly reach from 12% up to about 20% of my fans, but some pages I know are getting as low as 3 – 4 % reach. 3%!
That means if you post something about your brand new program, or whatever you might have made, 97% of people haven’t seen that yet. It is a phenomenal number.
It’s the same if you post in a group, or on your personal profile. Sure some people will see it, but not everyone. Maybe they just weren’t online at the time, or maybe their Facebook newsfeed is manic.
There are so many reasons why someone might not have seen your post. It’s not that they don’t love it, or that you didn’t tell them, it’s just that you didn’t tell them enough.
And so this is the problem…
You post it once to your Facebook page, and no one buys it… then you feel really bad that no-one is buying your thing. It’s because the right people just haven’t seen it yet. You have to be brave and you have to share this thing LOTS.
Note: Admittedly, some people are going to get frustrated hearing about this thing all the time. To be honest, I feel that way during B-School promotion period. I’m obviously in her target market… but it’s easy, if I don’t want it, I just unsubscribe from the list.
That will happen to your audience too. You might see an increase in your unsubscribe numbers. That’s not a bad thing, it doesn’t mean that they hate you… it just means that they were interested in that thing, and that is ok.
Your Get Shit Done Challenge
Because I know a lot of you are chasing sales targets or new clients as part of this challenge (or even launching something new) this is your reminder… don’t be afraid to be spammy.
Make sure people REALLY know what you are up to and what you are doing.
Tell them again, and again, and be proud about it.
Because if you don’t tell them, they just don’t know.
Your challenge: Go and tell people what you are working on as part of the Get Shit Done month. Share with them, shout it from the rooftops, be proud about it.
Note: Obviously, this post isn’t about real SPAM. Everybody hates spam.
Spam is unsolicited. Spam is emailing people about your product or service when they haven’t asked for it. Spam is adding people to your Facebook group without permission. Spam is hard selling over Facebook messenger straight after a friend request.
Don’t be that person.
This is about the fear of coming across spammy if you share something more than once… and that is different