Let’s be honest for a second… you have big goals, I know that you do…
but sometimes life gets in the way.
I get ya, I really, really do!
Which is why enough is enough.
It’s time to get focused.
So, what is this?
You’ll create a clear goal, and then spend focused time making it happen. Sure, things will come up, kids will get sick, life will throw you a curve ball… but we’ll be there along the way to help you out, get out back on track to reach your goal.
This isn’t about working all day every day. This isn’t about long hours, or missing out on family time. This isn’t about being perfect.
Instead, this is about being focused with the little bits of time that we do have.
But does involve wine
What do you get?
– Access to a private support group, full of ass kickers and tough lovers… we are here for you, but we are going to make sure you do what you say you will do.
– Goal setting worksheets and planning sheets
So that you have the right kinda goal, and a set plan to achieve it.
– 4 Live Q and A sessions
Use these group sessions to get laser focused, to get guidance on the little niggly things and keep moving forward.
– A swift kick up the ass (done with love of course)
I want you to “Get it done” – because I know exactly what it is like to have big, lofty goals, but never quite feel like you get there.
When is this happening?
The next program is running from 1st of September 2018 until 30th September 2018.
Great Sam… but how much does this all cost?
Just $29 AUD.
One full month of support and focus, for under 30 bucks.
Why should we listen to you?
Great question.
I don’t have all the answers and I don’t always get it all done.
Which is exactly why you should join me in the Get it Done program. Because I know what it’s like to try and balance working with a newborn
Because I know what it’s like to work with limited hours
Because I know what it’s like to have a schedule that’s all over the place and no set routine
Because I’m not perfect.
I’m not going to feed you some bullshit about a perfect day, or ideal morning routine (although if you’ve got one that works for you, I’m in awe)
But simply because I’m there too… we’re in this together.
And so I’m going to be using all of the strategies and techniques I know to get more done in less time.
And I want you to be able to as well.
“Sam, I don’t know what to focus on?!”
It’s ok, we can help you find a goal that will work for you and for the time frame.
In fact, if you feel like you already have too many things on your plate, or too many ideas, then this is perfect for you. It will help you focus and get some direction.
“Sam – I’ve got xxxxxx on. Are you crazy?!”
Nope, not crazy. Well, maybe a little, but that’s a conversation for another time.
The truth is, there will always be something on. School holidays, sick family members, events, Christmas… you name it, there is always something happening.
I’ll show you how to pick a goal that is realistic for the time frame.
The whole point of Get it Done, is to show you that you can take steps in the right direction, regardless of the madness going on around you.
“Now just isn’t a good time, can I join later?”
Yes, I’ll probably be running more this year, BUT… see the answer above ^^
There will always be something happening, don’t let that be your excuse every month.
What if I don’t reach my goal?
The Get it Done program isn’t actually about achieving your goal. Sounds silly, I know.
The theory is that your goal will happen along the way… but really this is about learning to set realistic goals, being focused with your work, and feeling much better about your progress.