Do you?
Last week I was asked by a lady (who shall remain nameless, but she know’s who she is)…
“I’m worried I don’t have enough content, what if I don’t have enough?”
And I’ll be honest. I hear this A LOT.
I hear incredible people, worry that they don’t have enough content, or that their content isn’t good enough.
But honestly, 90% of the people who ask me this, have TOO MUCH information for a course.
We’re busy people, and we are all bombarded with content, all day every day.
Most people are already exposed to too much information.
So your course needs to be broken down into tiny, bite sized bits of information, that they can implement.
So what if you don’t have enough? Well, you probably do, more than enough. The reality is it needs to be short and simple and sweet, but highly engaged. Rather than long winded with lots of information.