Creating a kick ass 2015

2015 is fast approaching… like, really fast!!

This year has flown by, a little too fast for my liking – it’s hard to believe that December is here already.

2014 was a year of change for me.

At the beginning of the year we began running our own Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. For the first time we were teaching Nationally Accredited Qualifications that were all my own content, which means that I know it’s good (a little modesty there for ya!) and I know that it’s relevant. For so long I had to teach outdated content written by other industry bodies… it was a refreshing change.

It was also the beginning of the Trainers Academy. Born from a couple of bored hours sitting in an airport lounge alone, I wanted to create the ultimate resource for trainers, and the academy is beginning to grow and expand.

But I’ve got even grander plans for 2015, (some huge, scary, kick ass goals on the cards) The Trainers Academy is ramping up a notch (ok, several!) with some amazing new content coming about websites, sound branding and much more. There is a new office on the cards, with high tech video options and a new system for live Q and A sessions.

To make sure that I make the most of 2015 I’ve already put in place some serious planning.


Want to create an amazing 2015?

Of course you do! Here’s the steps to my serious December Planathon, grab a pen and paper and start to complete the following things.

1: Review 2014

Take some time to wrap up 2014. Grab a pen and paper and answer the following questions. Fill as much space as you can with your answers, write without thinking too hard, just fill the page.

What are your business accomplishments for the year?
What did you learn from 2014?
And what were your weak points?

2: Set your intention for the year.

Take a moment to create a really clear picture of what your business will look like at this time next year. I mean really clear.

Grab a pen and paper, imagine yourself sitting down at the end of December next year, and describe exactly what it will look like.

How much will you have made? Where are you based? What does your office look like? Are there/how many people are working with you? What does your standard day look like? What is going on with your website and social media presence?

Fill a page, plus some if you can, be really clear about what you want by the end of the year.

3: Set a sales target for each month

Ok… if you know me, you’ll know that I’m not really one for LONG term planning. My business model is flexible and ever changing, and I’ll never make you sit down and write out a 5 year business plan (unless you are trying to please a bank)

BUT I am all for sales targets.

Now these can be flexible, I’m not expecting you to have 20/20 foresight, but go for it, plan away. Write down a figure for each month next year. What is your sales target for Jan, Feb, March and so on.

These will change as the year goes on, I expect them to get much bigger 😉 But start with the end in mind, set your targets now.

4: Set a 90 day plan.

A 90 day plan is the best way to break larger goals down into achievable chunks. (There is a template available for here in the Trainers Academy.)
You have 2 choices here…
– end the year with a bang and start actioning the items on your 90 day plan the moment you have finished it
– Create the plan based on a January start date

I’m a firm believer in making every moment count, so I’m starting all of my big goals and plans now, why wait.


Go forth my little planners… start to create some excitement around next year. It’s yours for the taking and you can make it whatever you want it to be.

– Sam Nordberg

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