How are you delivering your content?
It is time to think about medium.
One of the most common questions I get asked is “Do I have to use video in my course?”
And the answer is, no, not always.
You see the type of medium you use really depends on the information you are trying to deliver and the audience you are delivering it to. Video isn’t always the best option (although it is useful in a lot of situations).
Consider for each chunk you put together, what would be the most effective way to deliver that bit of information?
Is it audio? Is it video? Is it word? Is it pictures?
The truth of the matter is, it is often a combination of all of them.
Take a moment to plan out your mediums in advance, before jumping in and creating. It will save you creating things that you don’t need, and ensure that you are making the most of your time.
For each chunk, think carefully about how you can explain the concept in a way that people will understand. Consider if a video or image would make it easier to “see”… or if audio would make it easier to explain.
Make a list, showing each of your chunks and the types of mediums you want to use. This will give you a handy checklist of things to produce.
What mediums are you using?