Welcome to Episode 3
In this weeks video we looked at breaking down your course into tiny chunks of bite sized information.
The thing about “bite sized” is that your participant should be able to consume the information in just one bite (that is to say, just one go). This means that the size of a bite will depend on your audience, but each bit of information you send them should be consumable in one go.
For this reason, I tend to keep my videos under 10min (and you’ll find most weekly training videos sit under 5min). I know that my audience is in a rush, surrounded by information and definitely “busy”.
If your audience has a little more time on their hands then you may be able to deliver them more information at a time.
When it comes to each of your chunks, look at breaking your information down into the following format:
– Teach the content
– Share a story
– Get them to do it
– Give them feedback
– Provide additional resources
Check out the video for more information on each step.
Plus over the next 2 weeks, we’ll go into some of these in more detail.
Ready to start creating your own course?
Want to grab the FREE Course Creation Bundle. You’ll get the chunk writing template to help you develop your own chunks of content, and a handy checklist to build you course.
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