Welcome to “Create the Ultimate Membership Site”. Over the next 7 posts, we’ll take you through how to create your own successful membership area.
Membership sites are incredibly popular at the moment, as everyone looks to make a leveraged, residual income (I’m not going to call it passive, because, as with anything, there is lots of work to put in). So over these next 7 posts, I’ll take you through everything you need to know, before you jump in at the deep end.
(I learnt this the hard way. The Get Real Business Academy was built with lots of blood, sweat and tears. I made lots of mistakes, but learnt a huge amount along the way. I can now say the Academy happily celebrated it’s 4th birthday, and is ever growing and evolving)
But, before you jump on the membership site bandwagon, I am going to take you through 7 things you need to think about.
Let’s talk about the core concept for your membership site.
I know that seems straight forward, but I want you to take a moment to think very specifically about what your site will it cover. There are 2 main components to think about here:
- What is your membership site going to do?
- Who are you sellling to?
What is your membership site going to do?
Is it going to be very specific, with a solution to a specific question, where they join to get support?
Will you cover a broader area and they will going to get new content?
Is there no new content, but they get access to a range of existing information and support?
For example:
If you were building a site around”healthy eating”, where you thinking of building a database of recipes for them? Will they get access to new recipes as well, or just the existing ones?
Will there be other “members only” content or activities that they get access to?
Membership sites can work in just about any way. From a very specific result, to a huge buffet of information, people have great success in all areas.
The Get Real Business Academy is the latter, I always wanted it to be a library full of resources and support, where we talk aboout all the different aspects of building and selling leveraged content.
So, what would your site offer? What would they get access to when they join?
Who are you selling it to?
I’m sure you’ve heard me say this a million times before, but as with any other content, it is vital to think about who you are selling it to.
So, think about the audience for your membership site.
- Are they tech savy? (If they’re not, maybe a membership site isn’t the best option for them… or you want to keep it very simple to access and use)
- Are they a beginner? Or are they more advanced? (This will make a difference to the kind of content you add)
- Are they desperate to solve one problem instantly, or do they have an ongoing list of problems?
The answers to all of these will help you decide the content you put in, how you price it, and even the tech you use.
So, this week, get really clear on the concept of your site (what you want it to include) and who will be using it.