You know that I call bullshit on work/life balance
This weeks mini training is coming to you from the beautiful Stradbroke Island. If you swam East of here, there is nothing but water and then Chile (it would be a VERY long swim!)
This week I wanted to talk to you all about laptop lifestyles and the beach. You’ll now that I’ve done videos before on how Balance is Bullshit (I really don’t think there is a perfect work/life balance… it’s all part of the same life) and you’ll know that I’m really not a big believer in the laptop lifestyle.
Now that doesn’t mean that courses and membership sites can’t create the business that you want – because they can.
But, I was listening to an online marketer recently, telling everyone how they should use membership sites to build passive income, and then you can live your life on a beach. Which is true, membership sites can give you income like that. However, when someone in the audience asked what he gives his members for their monthly payment, his response was “as little as possible”.
That really pissed me off, that he wanted to give as little as possible to his members.
You see, courses and memberships can fit in to your life in the way you want them to, and they can provide you the lifestyle that you want to live. But you have to think about how they are going to fit into your business model, and then what you are going to give your members in return.
You really can have the lifestyle that you want, you really can build the business that you want… but I want you to think carefully about
– How the course or membership site fits into your business
– What are you going to be providing
– How much support are you going to be giving them
I hope that you don’t want to give them “as little as possible” for their money. I hope that you actually want to help them, and give them support, and hope you get somewhere.
Courses and membership sites can give you the laptop lifestyle, or they can allow you to work full time with your students, and hold there hand.
They can be just about anything you want them to be.
From lead generators, to passive income builders, to full on support, to face to face workshops.
Courses are just one way of providing information. That information can be as hands on or as hands off as your want.
Moral of the story:
Courses don’t have to be completely passive. In fact, I’m a firm believer that courses aren’t completely passive, but they can help you build the lifestyle that you want.
Work out where the course or membership site fits in your business strategy.
Lots of people come to me saying that they want a course, but they haven’t really considered where the course would fit into their business.
– Are you writing one to become your core offering, your signature course?
– Are you writing one to become your low end sales, $29, $39 or $49?
– Are you writing one because you want to give it away for free, to generate warm leads.
Where does it fit into your strategy?
Challenge 2:
How do you want it to fit into your life, and what you want to do with it?
Leave your answers in the comments below for me.
You read my mind Sam. I was thinking about this just this morning. I don’t understand why people want to tarnish their reputation by delivering sub par…anything – intentionally. I have held off because, in good conscious, I don’t feel I have enough to offer yet. Especially if I’d be asking for payment. I hope you have your floaties with you ๐
Steph, it drives me insane too.
Having said which – you have a huge amount to offer!! You could put something quite amazing together.
I havent watched in a while and it is a shame I havent been. You nailed this one on the head. What am I building my course for? That was the perfect question. First off, I would say I want it to be the core of what my teachings will be with the express purpose to get them farther into the funnel and want to work with me, come to retreats, get more involved in changing their lives, etc. I am not sure that the idea I have percolating is the end product but for now, I am glad to know that this is why I am doing what I am doing. Plus, money you know…
Aww, thank you Audrey.
It’s great to see that you know where you want your course to fit in. I am sure that the idea you have won’t be the end product ๐ my have morphed and changed over the years, but get something started and out there.
I want it to be my core offering, signature course so that I can help others and create a lifestyle which allows me to be at home with my kids and travel.
Tammy, that’s great ๐ Travel is a big thing for me too, and I really want to be able to travel more.
What are you building a course on?