Courses are NOT passive income

This weeks mini training is more of a rant…

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I feel the need to say it again.

Courses are not (necessarily) passive income.

Your students need support.

They’ll have questions before the process, may need help logging in and getting set up.
They’ll have questions and need guidance during the process to help them learn (you’ll think you’ve explained something in the clearest way possible, but many in your audience may still need more help).
They’ll have questions after the process, want to know where to go next, and may need continued support to implement throughout the year.

Great courses aren’t passive.

Great courses are supportive.

Sure, you can sell lots of content online… but content alone doesn’t make for a great course.

If you really want your students to implement, to get great outcomes and results, then there is a high chance that they may need more than just content.

Challenge time:

How can you/are you supporting your students?

Think about all the different things you do before, during and after to help them succeed. And share with us in the comments below ๐Ÿ™‚

4 thoughts on “Courses are NOT passive income”

  1. Thanks for this one, Sam! I’m one of those folks who often needs ‘more support during and after’ the course.
    “The clearest way possible” is still only one of hundreds of possible ways to explain something, and , sure as shootin’, my brain isn’t going to work just like yours does!
    Keep up the great work ๐Ÿ™‚ ~ Karen J

    1. Hi Karen,

      You are so right, there. There are hundreds of ways to explain something and we all think very differently.

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment – great to have you here ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Great point, Sam!

    I’m tempted to think of “leveraged content” (1:many) as an entry point (e.g., Free training) that could perhaps lead to a Premium version (the Great Course!), augmented & with timely input by the creator.

    So, perhaps “opening” & “closing” dates for a Course launch would work better –this way, we’ll know we have a “class” at work.

    I just don’t see how “giving a great course” could work with “rolling” (year-round) subscriptions.

    1. Hi Helene,

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      Rolling year round starts “can” work, but it means that you as the facilitator need to be there to support them year round as well.

      Find what works for you and your audience ๐Ÿ™‚

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