Which should you have…
There’s a lot of talk at the moment about online courses and membership sites, but the 2 terms seem to have got confused in the middle somewhere. So let’s get things clear…
Membership site:
A private area on your website which people need a username and password to access.
A series of information to teach someone something. This can be drip fed, meaning delivered over a period of time.
Note: A course can live within a membership site, but doesn’t have to. And a membership site can contain courses, but doesn’t have to…
Kinda like the grass is green, but all that is green is not grass – right?!
So which should you have?
Well a membership site is perfect if you have lots of information to give. This information could come in different formats, styles and designed for people at different stages.
A course is perfect if you have specific series of information to teach someone and it needs to be taught in a certain order.
A course doesn’t have to live within a membership site. It can be delivered by email, by phone, webinar or even face to face.
So, what are you using? Or thinking of using?
Hey Sam,
Awesome video and explination of course V’s membership site.
Right now Im working on a course, with the possibility of a membership site in the next year or so. Dreaming big!!!
Dream big! 🙂 You can do this.