Course Creation Bites Podcast
Weekly bite sized lessons for busy business owners creating, launching and selling their own online course.
Each lesson has one clear focus and an action task for you to go away and complete. It’s time to create, launch and sell your online course.
Hosted by me, Sam Winch, the course creator, not the lunchtime food.
You can listen to episode here on the website, or on most popular podcast apps including...
Making time to create your course – Episode 3.6
Show Notes: Let’s talk all things time. Research shows that the main thing that gets in the way of people creating their course is time. Finding the time to create new content or new course material is hard, especially when you are already busy with client work. I want to share with you
Behind the scenes Course Review – Episode 3.5
Show Notes: In this episode I’ll take you behind the scenes in Kim Dunn’s course, Essential Self Care for Psychologists. Kim is a psychologist who has a large network of psychologists and clearly knows her target audience and their needs. It makes such a difference when you are going through a program that is
Using downselling and preselling to increase your sales – Episode 3.4
Show Notes: What I want you to think about today is what you can sell people before they buy your course, product, or service. How can you use courses to help prime your audience for the courses you really want them to buy that might be bigger, or more expensive, or that they aren’t
Using course upsells to increase your sales – Episode 3.3
Show Notes: In this week’s episode we are looking at the different ways you can use courses as upsells to increase your profit margins and your sales. Upselling is taking what was going to be a sale of an original purchase price and increasing the sale price. For example, at McDonalds, how many times have
You don’t need a video in your course – Episode 3.2
Show Notes: Today I want to talk about the delivery content you can use in your course. I see so many people putting off releasing their course because they haven’t recorded a video, and so what I want to say to you is this: You don’t have to use video! When you start planning
Behind the scenes Course Review – Episode 3.1
Show Notes: This season we are going to move away from the theoretical and look instead at what people are doing in the industry, courses that I have loved, what is working and also some course reviews that I am working on with clients currently. Today I’m going to take you behind the scenes
Season 3 Sneak Peak – Episode 2.24
Show Notes: Welcome to the wrap up of Season 2. Today’s podcast is a quick summary of the highlights of Season 2 and a big thank you to the guest speakers who took the time to come and present throughout the season. In Season 3, I’m going to do things a little differently. Firstly, my
The next step to create your online course – Episode 2.23
Show Notes: No matter where you are in your course creation journey, there is a lot to be said for taking a pause and reviewing what you have done and what you plan to do. 1. If you are thinking of creating a course and are at the beginning of your course creation
Selling your online course – Episode 2.22
Show Notes: This week’s podcast is the third in the series about sales, and is about what you can do to make a sale. There are many strategies that you can use online – some better than others – but I want to focus on some important ones that we can use to ensure
Nurturing your audience – Episode 2.21
Show Notes: This is Part 2 in the series about Sales. Having an audience is one thing but making them feel like the are nurtured and important is another. So, what can you do to nurture your audience? 1. Show up. I’m not going to put a caveat on that