Progress Ally Review: The Pros and Cons
**NOTE** Progress Ally isn’t available as a stand alone plug in any more. However AccessAlly is available as a complete membership site solution. Check out all of it’s functions and abilities >>HEREHERE
**NOTE** Progress Ally isn’t available as a stand alone plug in any more. However AccessAlly is available as a complete membership site solution. Check out all of it’s functions and abilities >>HEREHERE
Welcome to the last week in the Create Content that works series. This week we are talking all about making your content relatable. Your audience has to “get it”… they have to understand the message that you are trying to share with them. That might sound straight forward, but we are often so familiar with …
This week, we are talking all things feedback As people, we thrive on feedback. We want to know if we’ve done something well, we want to know if we are on track. Partially because we like to have our ego stroked, to be made to feel good about our progress… and partially from anxiety of …
This week we are talking all about taking action. If you want your content to actually impact someone, and to help them get results, then they need to take action. Plain and simple. They have to do something with your content as soon as possible. You never really “get” something, you never truly learn it, …
This week we are talking all about size and length… get your mind out of the gutter! If you have watched any of my previous videos, you will know that I often talk about bite-sized content. The thing that people often don’t think about, is that different people have different bite sizes. Just as a …
This week we are starting a new Create Content that works mini series. We are starting by talking all about making your content engaging.
Have you grabbed the free course creation bundle yet? If not, you can grab your copy here. April is the month of gifts… you see, it’s my birthday in April, but rather than make it all about me, I wanted to make it all about you. So, over the month of April, each video shows …
This weeks mini training is more of a rant… I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I feel the need to say it again. Courses are not (necessarily) passive income. Your students need support. They’ll have questions before the process, may need help logging in and getting set up. They’ll have questions and need guidance …
What is the difference between a course and a membership site? This week we are taking a look at the difference between a course and a membership site. These words get thrown around a lot at the moment, but what do they really mean? What is the difference? And which should you have? Watch this …
Just how much content do you really need? I regularly get asked “How much content do I need for a course? How much should I put in there?” So this week we’re talking about length of content, or how much you should have in there. This is a little hard to answer, I mean, how …