I found 168 hours in the audio library, and spent hours listening to this one while walking and in the car…
And this one REALLY made me stop and think.
Laura Vanderkam, author of the book, asks you to look at your week as a block of 168 hours. Her argument is, to all those people who claim that they don’t have time… you have time, you’re just not using it well.
She’s not claiming that you need to be productive every hour, of every day… in fact quite the opposite. Her concept means that you have plenty of time for exercise, family, reading, painting for what ever else it is you want to do.
In one week, 168 hours… you could sleep 8 hours a night, work 8 hours 5 days of the week, and you still have 72 hours spare. 72!! That’s a lot of hours. Even if you run 5 hours a week, training for a half marathon… you still have 67 hours spare.
Laura recommends tracking your time for a full week, so that you can start to see where you time goes, and you’ll be surprised… we spend huge amounts of time on things that aren’t important to us, or our life.
I highly recommend this book.
It really helped me re-think the way I was using my time and what I was trying to achieve.
So interesting to hear your thoughts on this one. I haven’t read this but did listen to a really interesting interview with Laura and thought it was an eye opener!
I found it eye opening too – it really made me stop and think about what I do with my time.