Book 10: 2DO before you die

This one sounds a bit brutal, let’s be honest.

We’ve all heard of the “bucket list” before, a list of things that you want to do before you kick the bucket.

Well “2Do before you die”, is a book that builds on that concept.

It encourages it’s readers to create a list of 100 things you want to do with your life, reminding us that when it comes to the end of our time, we’ll remember experiences and not things.

I love the way this book uses peoples stories, to provide you with ideas of things you might want to put on your list. The book is made up of 100 stories, from people all over the world, of experiences they have had in their life.

The stories range from big and expensive experiences like world travel, to smaller things like planting a tree in your back yard, or learning to ride a skateboard.

The book groups all of these stories into categories, such as relationships, travel, learning, etc… and encourages you to build a varied list of 100 things for yourself.

I really liked the way they used story, and it made me re-think some of the things on my “bucket list”. The book is also full of questions along the way, designed to make you think about things, and come up with new ideas. It made for great dinner time discussions with my partner.

Have you ever read a book like this?
What is on your bucket list?

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