This week we are talking all things batching and scheduling.
They are 2 different concepts, but ones that people seem to get mixed up (or simply just merged together).
Simply put, batching is putting like tasks together. Rather than sitting down to write one blog post, you set aside the time to write 2 or 3 at the same time.
The bonuses of this, is that once you are focused on a specific task, or type of task, it is easier to keep going. You are much more productive at smashing through a heap of like tasks, than filtering backwards and forwards between different things.
I tend to use batching most often when recording video. The most time consuming part of videos is normally the set up. By the time you’ve sorted out lighting, camera, sound… and even your hair and make up, you may as well record several videos in a row, rather than just one.
If I am being particularly organised, I will record up to 3 months worth of content in one morning, and then I know it is done and I don’t have to worry about recording videos again for several months.
Scheduling is the process of allocating a time to a specific task, rather than just adding it to your to-do list.
You might schedule something as a one off, or you may use a recurring scheduled block.
For example, you might allocate next Wednesday as your video recording day… or you might decide that every Monday morning is the time you dedicate to content creation.
By allocating time to a task, you ensure that you actually sit down and do it, rather than just meaning to get to it… and never quite getting around to it.
If you’ve been struggle to progress on a big project, such as creating a course, then start blocking out time in your calendar in advance, to ensure that you sit down and work on it.
Scheduling doesn’t seem to work for everyone. I recently recorded a video about why it might not be working for you, and some changes you can make to your approach to make it more realistic for you. Read it here.
Do you like to schedule or batching?
I personally find that I am far more productive when I batch tasks, than if I don’t.
And scheduling forces me to at least make a start on things that I might have been putting off for a long time.
What about you?