Are you honest with your time?

Really, are you really honest?

This time we are going to talk about honesty… yup, let’s get honest about what you are really up to and how you use your time.

I get asked A LOT, how I fit everything into my days?? and if I ever sleep??

And I’m not particularly productive, I have to be honest. I have plenty of wasted time just like everyone else, plenty of time faffing around on the internet, plenty of time on Facebook, plenty of time doing all the things I probably shouldn’t do.

So, I started to be really, really honest with myself about my time.

There’s a couple of things that I’m going to challenge you to look at too.

1. Track your time

I track my time in 15 min blocks. From when I wake up at 6am, to when I got to bed at 10pm, what was I doing with my time?
This is a big task, and it can take a bit of time getting used to it, so start by just tracking your time for one day, and then maybe try it for a week.

NOTE: You don’t need to do this every day of your life, but while you are trying to get clear on how you use your time and where it is all going, it’s vital that you track it, and that you are honest with yourself about it.

For example, there will be times when I sit back and have to ask myself “What did I just do for the last 15min??”

2. Track your phone use

I downloaded an app called “Quality Time” to my phone. I highly recommend that you go and check it out.

Quality time monitors what you do with your phone. It keeps track of how many times the screen was unlocked, how often apps are used, how much they are used and what you have been up to. At the end of the day it will send you a report that says things like
Your screen was unlocked 112 times yesterday, your total phone use time was 4.5 hours and your most used app was Facebook.
(Yes, those are real stats from one of my days… it was scary!)

We have lots of time, but our time is being absorbed by things. Like the number of times I check my phone in a day. All those little 2 mins out to just check, really add up. Quality time made me realise just how much time I had, and what I was doing with it.

3. Get honest about your goals.

I’m a shocker for saying things like “This Feb I’m going to launch a new membership site, and write a course, and write a book…” but I can’t fit all of those things into February, it’s just not possible.

I see lots of people do just what I do, set huge tasks and goals for the week or for the month and then get really disappointed with themselves when they don’t reach them. When actually, they achieved a hell of a lot.

Start being more realistic with your goals. I’m all for challenging yourself and stretching yourself, but it still needs to be humanly possible.

So give these 3 challenges a go, and see if you are being honest with yourself about your time.

Please note here: I’m all for free time. Don’t feel bad if you track your time and some of that time is TV, or a bath, or a nap. That’s all useful time and you need to look after yourself.

However, if like me… if you find that hours of your time are disappearing, not necessarily being used to relax, but just being absorbed by things like looking at your phone, well that’s a whole different matter.

So tell me down below… have you tracked your time? Are you game to try?

2 thoughts on “Are you honest with your time?”

  1. I do love your honesty Sam!

    I sometimes get confused with time sucks – scheduling and building social media I see as faffing about when I’m actually building my business, but when procrastinating I tell myself it’s all legit! Time for some honesty lol

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