How much should I give away for free?

I’ve been asked this question A LOT!

In content marketing it always feels like you are giving away information for free. You might write blogs, record videos, create opt-ins, do interviews and webinars… and I know a lot of people worry that they will give everything away for free and have nothing left to sell.

So, how do you know how much to give away for free?

Golden nugget:
You should always share the what, but not the how.

As an example:
If you were a meditation guru, you would share everything about meditating. The health benefits, the pros and cons, the famous people who are already doing it… but you would save the HOW to meditate for your paid courses and sessions.

You share the what (all about the thing), but not the how (how to do the thing).


HOWEVER… there is always an exception to the rule… right?!

There are many occasions when I give away the HOW as well as the WHAT. In the 30 Write that course challenge I take people step by step through HOW to write their own course, for free.


Because I want to! I started a business to do what makes me happy (well, for many reasons, but this is definitely a BIG one). I want to help people and I want to show them how to write their own courses.

There are plenty of people out there giving lots away for free, and plenty giving very little away. The wonder of this thing called the internet is that you can do exactly what you want to do… and if you don’t like it, then you can always change your mind in the future.

Go with your gut, and give away what you feel happy giving away.

And if that doesn’t work for you, and you’re a “follow the rules” kinda person then go with the golden nugget

Give away the what, but not the how

I’d love to hear from you… how much do you share for free?

– Sam

6 thoughts on “How much should I give away for free?”

  1. Hi Sam. I thought about this post and realized that I’m either making exceptions to the golden rule or breaking it completely. ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s okay because from experience I know that even when I share the How, there needs to be a human element to help in implementing the How effectively. I must try to create a post using the rule. Wish me luck!

    1. Vatsala,

      I think sometimes rules are made to be broken ๐Ÿ˜‰ I like to provide rules for those who need them, but I know that I stretch them and bend them to suit my needs.

  2. Hi Sam
    I’ve just created a free 7 day guided meditation course to reduce stress & anxiety for people who sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put a lot of compassion and work into it. I want people to benefit and I also want them to get to know me, so that if they do choose to buy a product in the future, or come to my classes, or order a personalised recorded meditation, they know who I am and how I work. It means that we are already connected, we already have a relationship, and it’s not a blind date! (yeh sometimes they might work out, but …)

    1. Oh Rebecca, I love this.

      I agree on so many levels! Blind dates might work out, but we all know the chances are higher if you know them and like them before you start dating.

      Well done on getting your 7 day guided meditation up and running.

  3. My Meditation business is in the planning stages and so I am enjoying the thing that you are saying.

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