When is the right time?

I’ve spent the week talking to lots of different trainers… and there has been one very clear point that shines through this week

There is NEVER a RIGHT time!

  • When my partner and I first started a business over 5 years ago, it wasn’t the “right time”, it just kinda happened
  • When we started Command not long after that it definitely wasn’t the “right time” – there was a hell of a lot that I didn’t know and was completely oblivious too, but we started it
  • And when things ramped up at the end of last year, it very definitely wasn’t the right time – but the universe had decided it was happening whether I liked it or not.

I promise you, there is no right time. There is no perfect timeframe to start a business, launch a product, release a new course… there just isn’t.

So the very best bit of training I can give you for today is just get started (or just do it, in the famous words of Nike).

This week is time for you to commit to starting, releasing, launching or sending out one thing that you’ve been putting off.

It will never be perfect – it will never be “ready” – so this week you are going to swing into action, kick ass and do it anyway….

… Aren’t you!!

(“Yes Sam!” Is the appropriate answer here)

So share with me – what is the one thing that you are going to take ass kicking action on this week? What are you going to share with the world, even if it’s not quite perfect yet?

– Sam