Things always seem to have a way of ending up more complicated than you intended them to be… well, I know that’s often the way at my house.
I don’t set out for it to be that way. I love simple!
But as time goes by, layers get added, things come up, and everything ends up with more steps than it had to begin with.
So this week, I wanted to share with you, 3 key things I do, to try and keep my business as simple as possible.
1. Use one place for your to-do list and notes.
I had to put this one first, because it’s the one I used to be the worst at.
I would have to-do lists all over the place. Scraps of paper with things written on them, post it notes, digital lists, notes on my phone. If you can think of it, then I probably had it.
But honestly, it all just made me feel more overwhelmed, and I the anxious when I lost bits (because trust me, I always seemed to loose the scrap of paper with the most important note on it.
My Best Practice
I have one digital tool to keep track of all of my tasks. I’ve currently moved back to Trello, after several years with Asana. But the actual tool doesn’t matter as long as it works for you.
I also then keep a single note book with a rolling to do list. I still much prefer the physical ticking off of finished tasks, and often find that I want somewhere to make notes as I go through the day anyway.
But by limiting myself to one spot, I know where everything is if I need it again.
2. Stay focused
The more tabs I have open on my computer, the less I am actually doing.
Sounds crazy, but I know that it’s true.
By trying multitask, or jumping between tasks, all you end up doing is feeling overwhelmed, and taking far longer to complete everything.
My Best Practice
One thing at a time!
It’s not always easy… but focusing on completing just one task at a time, makes ticking things off your list much easier.
The same applies to your team, and to your customers.
Rather than over complicating their to do list, simply ask them to focus on one thing at a time.
3. Set aside time to get things done
Sounds simple right… allocate time to actually do things.
But you’d be surprised how often we don’t do it.
For example, the conversation goes a little like this.
Client: I want to read more, but I never have time
Me: Awesome, what time is scheduled into your calendar for reading
Client: ummm…. none
Me: Then that’s why your probably not getting around to it.
The same applies for working on your website, writing a book, getting your filing done, etc, etc, etc.
My Best Practice
Rather than leaving tasks until they are huge and daunting, simplify your processes by allocating a little time each day/week/month as relevant, and get it done.
By allocating the time, the task is far more likely to be completed.
What helps you keep it simple?
Share your tips in the comments below and let us know how you keep it simple .