Making time to create your course – Episode 3.6

Show Notes:

Let’s talk all things time.    Research shows that the main thing that gets in the way of people creating their course is time.  Finding the time to create new content or new course material is hard, especially when you are already busy with client work.  

I want to share with you some of the things I use to create my own courses.

  1. External deadlines.   You will find that with an external deadline you will work faster and harder than you will for your own deadlines. 
  2. Accountability & POM Sessions.   Having an accountability buddy really keeps you accountable and the POM sessions means you get a dedicated work time.
  3. Outsource.  Outsource the tasks that are taking up your time so you can dedicate your time to building content and creating income.   Or you could hire a course creator to help build the course. 

Action Steps:

Today I challenge you. If time has been the one thing that is stopping you from moving forward what I want you to do today is set the date for when the course is going to go live and then Go and Tell someone about it.

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