Using downselling and preselling to increase your sales – Episode 3.4

Show Notes:

What I want you to think about today is what you can sell people before they buy your course, product, or service.   How can you use courses to help prime your audience for the courses you really want them to buy that might be bigger, or more expensive, or that they aren’t ready for yet?   

These are likely to be freebies or lower priced programs that are an ideal lead into something you want them to buy next. 

There are a couple of ways you can do this:

1.       Alternate smaller courses.  If a client lands on your sales page, has requested information and shown a lot of interest but doesn’t finalise the sale, you could offer them a smaller program instead.   The person was obviously interested or curious, but they weren’t quite ready for your larger, more expensive product or course. 

2.        Using a course to help clients get ready for the thing that you want them to buy.  Having a course that is a bit of a downsell or a presell helps potential clients get ready to use your products and services and they are more likely to come back to you for the big purchase because they know you and they trust you. 

This is a great way to warm your leads and also a great way to pre-qualify them so they are ready to purchase from you. 

Action Steps:

Take a moment and think about what you are selling that some people are not quite ready for yet.    Could you offer a free or low-priced program to help people get ready so that they are able to purchase your signature program from you?  Is there something people need to know or have done, or is there a system or a process they need to go through before they are ready to work with you?   

I get so excited because there are so many opportunities to support your clients to get them ready for you & your product that aren’t being taken advantage of yet because you just haven’t thought about it.

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