How to keep students engaged – Episode 2.13

Show Notes:

Many people have asked how to keep their students participating in their program.   The short answer is that it’s natural to have some drop off the longer a course runs. 

However, if you know who is completing your course, you can design it to help your students stay engaged using some simple but effective strategies:

  1. What do they want to know?  What is the gap in their knowledge and how can your course match this?
  2. How do they learn?  If you create content that is easy to fit into your student’s life, they won’t need to find time to use it.
  3. What support do they need?   If your student is overwhelmed or doesn’t understand, they are much less likely to stay engaged. 

If you don’t have good content that meets these three needs, then it doesn’t matter how many incentives you have to encourage course completion, your engagement levels will remain low.

Action Steps:

If you have already run your course, look back and see how your engagement went.  Looking at your stats, where did the drop offs occur? 

If you haven’t run your course yet, focus on building a really good program using the strategies we have discussed.  The aim is to naturally engage students by giving them the right information at the right time. 

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