Whether you like it or not, your business is you.
It is impacted by your mood, by your surroundings and by the way you treat yourself.
Even if you own a large corporation, the your mood, attitude and the way you lead will have an impact on business operations.
This doesn’t mean that you have to be positive and upbeat all the time, but it does mean that it is vital that you build a business that suits you. One that looks after you, suits your needs and fits your life.
There are 3 main things to consider when it comes to making sure your business fits you:
Choose the right structure
You don’t have to build a huge company with employees, if management isn’t your thing.
And you don’t have to go it alone, if working solo isn’t your thing.
Look for evidence of how you have functioned best in the past, and choose a business structure that suits.
If you don’t like to work alone, maybe finding a business partner could help you to get the best results.
And at the end of the day, maybe the best thing for you is to find an amazing existing business and work for them.
There really isn’t a right or a wrong… don’t feel like you have to fit into a box. Choose a structure that suits you and your business.
Make time for self care
This isn’t always about getting your hair and nails done, although if that is your thing, go for gold.
Self care is simply about making time for the things that fuel you.
We spend every hour of every day thinking about business, our huge to do list, our families and everything else we have going on… it is important that you take some time to turn off and do something for you.
For me, that’s gaming… but for you, it could be something very different.
Make a little time for you. Your business will do so much better for it.
Look for options that suit you
If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times… there isn’t one way to build a business (and anyone who is trying to sell you the magic formula to success isn’t doing you any favours)
There are lots of different things you can do to grow and expand your business. It is a case of finding the ones that suit you.
Don’t want to build a course? Don’t
Don’t want to cold call? Don’t
Don’t want a highly detailed sales funnel, even though everyone is saying that you HAVE to? Don’t
Sure, you might be slowing your growth a little by trialing lots of methods, but at the end of the day you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
Now, I’m all for expanding your comfort zone and pushing yourself a little, but you don’t have to completely change the person you are to suit the business, instead, change the business to suit you.