Why I won’t promote just one course platform

I’ll admit, it sends a shiver down my spine whenever I see someone in a big Facebook group as “What platform should I put my course on?”.

Mostly, because I know the answers they receive will be biased.

Other course creators will tell you the platform they are using is “the best, you should definitely use it!”
Normally this is simply because it’s the only platform they’ve had experience with, and it’s currently working for them, therefore it will work for everyone, right?

Or, agencies and designers will respond, and tell you that the platform that they work with and represent is the one you should use. This is often because it’s the one they are affiliated to, and get a big kick back from… or simply because it’s the only one they know how to build in.

The truth is

One size doesn’t fit all!

There isn’t one course plugin or platform that will suit everyone.
All of them have very slightly different features, price points, and pros and cons.

I’ve seen countless examples of someone asking for a course platform that does as specific thing, only to be given answer which I know don’t suit there needs, and don’t do the one thing they are looking for.

They are being blindly led in the wrong direction.

The reason I don’t’ work with just one platform

The needs of my clients vary, and because of that, the course platform or plugin that is right for them is often varied too.

I’ll be honest and up front here.

I’m a MemberVault Certified Partner (which means they’ve vetted me, and I’ve vetted them) and I love the platform… but I know that it’s not right for every client I work with.

I’m also a Teachable affiliate and an AccessAlly affiliate, but again, I know they are not the right fit for everyone.

In fact, in the last 6 months alone I’ve built into 8 different course platforms and plugins including:
Membervault, Thinkific, Teachable, Katra, Kajabi, Memberpress, AccessAlly, Learndash (and before that I’ve also built into M2Member, and WishlistMember).
I’ve also discussed the pros and cons of platforms like Simplero and Podia with clients.

The needs of my clients vary.

Some need to get up and running quickly and cheaply.
Some have the budget for a big complex build.
Some are already on a platform they are happy with.
Some are ready to move.
Some need to track assessment for compliance reasons
And some need to issue certificates

And there isn’t one right platform or plugin for all of those clients.
Instead, it’s about finding the one that is right for them.

So, before you ask “which course platform should I use” in a large group, take a moment to work out what it is that you want the platform to do for you and what functionality you need.

And if you see someone ask in a big group, maybe recommend they read this post 😉 or at least consider why people are recommending a platform