I get it… if “create course” has been sitting on your to do list for a long time, it’s probably because it feels completely overwhelming.
There are lots of moving parts, lots of things to make, then there’s the tech… and you feel like you just don’t have the time or know where to start.
Which is why I wrote this just for you.
This post is designed to take you step by step through the beginning of making your own online course. I’ve simplified the process.
It might feel over simplified even… but it’s designed that way, to counteract the fact that we make things far harder than they need to be.
Just work one step at a time, and you’ll get there.
So here goes.
Step 1: Make sure you know who you are buildng your course for.
Knowing who are you are talking to and developing content for is a vital part of any content marketing, but even more so when you are creating an online course for them.
- What do they want to learn?
- How much do they know already?
- What is their preferred learning style?
You don’t need to know all the answers straight away, but you’ll have much more success building your course, and importantly, selling your course, if you know exactly who it is for.
Step 2: Have a really clear learning outcome
What will they know or be able to do by the time they finish your course?
DO NOT start creating any content until you know the answer to this question.
Because from here on in, you need to make sure that everything you write, create or do, helps to lead them to that specific outcome.
And if something doesn’t help them reach that outcome, then it doesn’t belong in your course. Simple as that.
Lots of people jump straight into making the content, but if you don’t know exactly what you are trying to teach and need to build, then you are going to waste lots of time faffing around here.
Step 3: Map your content
You don’t need to over complicate this bit, but it does help to have a clear plan of what you want to teach and in what order.
It saves you creating bits that you didn’t need, or doubling up anywhere.
You can just start with pen and paper, or post it notes, or spreadsheet… whatever works best for you.
Your content should take them through a logical, step by step order, which allows them to implement along the way.
For each little chunk of content you deliver, think about what they need to learn, what they need to do with that information, and what content you need to create to help them learn and do those things.
Step 4: Create your stuff
This bit can feel like the biggest step in creating an online course, but this is why we created the map.
Now you have a clear list of things that you need to build, you can start at the top and work your way through one by one.
You don’t need to worry about everything, just focus on each little bit, one at a time.
Make a video, tick, next step.
Make a PDF, tick, next step.
Don’t be tempted to put “create content for course” on your to do list, because it’s too big and overwhelming.
Instead, add the one next thing you need to build to your list, and don’t add the next one until you’ve ticked off the first.
Step 5: Upload to your platform.
Again I’m going to say, you don’t need to over complicate this step.
First, decide if you are hosting your content on your own website or on an external platform.
If you are hosting on your site, you will need to look for a course plugin to help you keep your content safe and take payments.
Some of my favourites are LearnDash, Wishlist Member, and Access Ally (click the links to see reviews of each plugin.)
If you are going to host on an external platform, then you don’t need a website to get started.
There are some great platforms for hosting your content. Some of the most popular are MemberVault, Teachable and Thinkific. (click on the links to see reviews of each platform)
Most platforms and plugins have a great user guide to get you started, and handy step by step guides.
Don’t stress out about this step before you started.
Pick a platform or plug in, and then follow their user guide. They are really user friendly now – you can do this.
But if you don’t feel confident with this step, you can always outsource it.
And you’re done.
Ok, that might feel a little over simplified, and there’s a lot of work in some of those steps, but it is just a couple of steps. You can do this.
If you need some help to get you on your way you can book a “Pick My Brain” session here.
And if you want me to do most of it or all of it for you, book a free call here, and I’ll create a personalised quote for your project.