The “why” behind your business

I’ve often struggled when it comes to the “why” behind my business.

Ask any coach, and they will tell you that you NEED a clear, powerful why to be successful. You’ll fall back on it when times are tough, it will guide your decision making and it will empower your audience when you share it.

Great… but what if I never had a grand and inspirational why?

Ask in just about any Mompreneurs (ugh, that word makes me gag a little) and they will often tell you that their why is their kids.

That’s awesome for them, but my kids are not my why.

Don’t get me wrong, I love them all dearly and the flexibility of being my own boss definitely helps when it comes to managing everything that it going on. Being mum of 4 can seem like it takes up all of my life if I let it.

But I’m not (and I’ve never been) one of those people who’s entire life evolves around their children.

So what’s my why?

– My first business was an online retail store selling war gaming miniatures and hosting live gaming events with my (now ex) husband.
Why? Because he had always wanted to

– My next business was selling business coaching and resources to small businesses.
Why? Because I’d just left the world of retail, and I was ready for something new. I had been in management since I was 19. I had years of experience managing teams, serving customers and looking at increasing sales. I did it as a part time hustle, while being the National Training Manager for a company as well.

– My next business was a company which operated our Registered Training Organisation, set up with my now ex husband (yup, we were in business together for many years after separating).
Why? Because it felt like the logical next step

– Now, I take all that experience and show people how they can create awesome courses.
Why? Because it came easily to me.

See… none of my whys have been earth shattering or ground breaking.
None of them are about saving the world, or about my kids.

What’s my why now?

Honestly, now, my why is because I’ve been in business for so long, I can’t imagine going back to work for someone else. I’d be a terrible employee.

But you know what…

You can have a successful business without a clear why

And for that matter, you can have a successful business without a website
Or without a course
Or without ever doing a webinar
Or without being on social media.

Because there are lots of ways to build a successful business
And you can do it however the hell you want to.


P.S – have a really clear why? Want to spend a heap of time with your kids? Want to save the plant? Want to do something earth shattering?
Good for you 🙂 You sure can rock a successful business with a clear why

Share your why (or not why) in the comments below.

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