Running a #RealLifeBiz – Interview with Elle Roberts

I love hearing about people who are keeping it real. 
The ones who are juggling this crazy thing called life, and a family, all while growing their business, their way.

Because the truth is, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns all of the time. 
But it is worth it in the end.

In the #RealLifeBiz interview series, I talk to some of my favourite people about how they do what they do.

And this week we are talking to the inspiring Elle Roberts

So Elle, what do you do?

I work as an Online Business Manager for a number of clients – for any one who doesn’t know what that means it is sort of like an affordable CEO or 2IC in the business. I take as much as I can off the plate of the business owner so they can get back to doing the work they love most and focus on working ON the business and looking at the long term goals etc rather than be bogged down by the day-to-day operations.
Sometimes that means I help manage their team, other times I do strategy and planning or help them develop better processes and automation, it might mean I actually take over their social media marketing or website updates. The actual tasks vary wildly from client to client.

As a side project I also run Artful Business Events which hosts the bi-annual Artful Business Conference as well as smaller events in between.

How long have you been doing it?

I’ve been working as a business coach, online marketing strategist and event co-ordinator for almost 10 years. I’ve re-defined what I offer this OBM focus about 2 years ago.

What does “balance” mean to you/look like for you?

It’s not a thing but rather an action. My life is a messy-blend of kids, work, snotty noses and late night emails. I love the blend of it all.
Sometimes my business needs more of me and so I get extra help in with the kids, sometimes the family needs more of me, or I need more of them and so I might pull back a bit from business. It’s all about keeping as many people’s needs met as possible and hopefully keeping everyone in the house (including me) as happy as possible.
Sometimes we don’t get it right but I’ve certainly got better over the past few years.

What does a normal week include?

Ha ha! We don’t do normal and my weeks look very different. My partner works 7 hours at a mine, so is only home every second week. My eldest son does week-on-week-off with me and his dad so one week I have a house of 5 and the next week it is me alone with two, two year olds. 

I get to work longer hours when the big boys are both away. My eldest plays about 15 hours of soccer a week so I can stay at work longer when he isn’t home, and once the kids are in bed, with no one else to talk to I’ll often go back to the office.
While the other week I tend to only work 8-2:30 so I can do school pick-up, soccer training, hang with the hubby etc.

I don’t exercise enough but I do try to read every night before bed and weekends are usually spent gardening or exploring a local park.

What’s the best thing about being your own boss?

Everything! I honestly can’t imagine doing it any other way. I’ve been my own boss since I was 23 and while it is challenging and exhausting it is also so rewarding and the flexibility really works for our family.

I also LOVE my work and my clients and so the hard days are well worth it!

And what’s the worst?

It used to be the cash flow and the uncertainty of it all for sure but now I think it’s more about my lack of patience. I know I can do all the things I want to do in my business and career but I also know I can’t do them all right now. The kids are still little, I’m tired and I already have a lot on my plate – so sticking to what works and not jumping to the next crazy idea is important but not something that comes naturally to me.

When times are good, how do you celebrate?

 Time with the family. We might go out for dinner or head to the beach for the day. Next month we are going on our first family holiday in YEARS and that is something I plan on making a bi-annual celebration.

When things are crappy, how do you handle it?

 Lean on my support team. I am in a few masterminds or small networks and talking over the dramas with a few other business owners always helps. I also talk to my partner and while he doesn’t get my work much he does get me and he knows how to calm me down, or create more space for me to manage the problem.

What’s the long term plan? (Keep working, build an empire, sell, retire, etc)

Empire for sure – think Emma Isacs and Biz Chicks for an idea of the scale I’m working towards! Most of the last ten years I have stayed very purposely small and that worked for me. But the goal posts have moved and I want to run an agency style team of OBMs meaning my role can be to oversee the business and play more with my passion projects. I also plan to do more speaking and workshops over the next few years.

What is one piece of advice you would give anyone running their own business?

Don’t forget you are the boss – seems obvious I know but we often get caught up following the “shoulds” and “must-dos” of other people or even bending to our clients demands and we end up running businesses that aren’t want we wanted to create.

Stay focused on your goals, remember you always get to choose and TRUST YOURSELF. 

You started a business for a reason – be the boss!

Notes from Sam:

Without being super creepy, I have a massive online crush on Elle (ok, so that’s a little creepy). I love her style, I love her attitude, and I love that she’s doing it all while playing mum to 3 kids (including young twins!)

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