Running a #RealLifeBiz – Interview with Amanda Foy

27/05/2019 by Sam Leave a Comment (Edit)

I love hearing about people who are keeping it real. 
The ones who are juggling this crazy thing called life, and a family, all while growing their business, their way.

Because the truth is, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns all of the time. 
But it is worth it in the end.

In the #RealLifeBiz interview series, I talk to some of my favourite people about how they do what they do.

And this week we are talking to the inspiring Amanda Foy

So Amanda, what do you do?

I educate, rectify and maintain human’s emotional immune systems.  Which means that I join the dots to patterns and life incidents in my clients life to help them answer the question of “Why?” Why am I sick, Why can’t I get the job that I want, Why do I want to give up my career, Why am I not coping with life, Why do I have cancer.

How long have you been doing it?

I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary of being self employed in October of this year and had my 10thanniversary in January of being qualified in what I do.

What does “balance” mean to you/look like for you?

Balance to me is being able to close the door at my new Natural Health Clinic and go home, leaving all my work in the office at my new digs. Being fully present with my son’s and husband when we are at home together.  It took me a lot of years to achieve this because my entrepreneur brain was trying to establish balance, and that didn’t happen until 2014 when I settled on and began building my Emotional Strength Training brand.

What does a normal week include?

Parenting a 16 and 14 year old and all their schooling, sporting and part time job commitments, as well as their social life, and then working in my health centre Monday – Friday with the occasional Saturday chucked in there.

What’s the best thing about being your own boss?

It’s my level of loyalty, my level of integrity, it’s my definition of quality, it’s my plan of living my passion and purpose and it’s my relationship to abundance. I have always been an employee that treated my job like it was my company and my loyalty to that company never got me through. Unfortunately I have a lot of circumstances of having to leave a job or losing it because of the male dominated industries I worked in. I’m setting in concrete a new way to do business and I love it.

And what’s the worst?

Worry and being responsible for everything as well as contributing to the household income. If it’s quiet, I still haven’t completely kicked the habit of looking at the bottom line. The other thing, my entrepreneur brain, there’s no boss or hierarchy telling me to calm my farm or a straight out no. So, it’s coming up with ideas and then finding the time to implement.

When times are good, how do you celebrate?

I love investing in experiences, so when times are good, we usually travel. When I’ve had a win with something, a bottle of some nice bubbles is also in order.

When things are crappy, how do you handle it?

Do my best to sit in faith and trust that it’s just a phase and things are shifting. I know I’m good at this now because I no longer panic. I can still be someone that worries, but panic is gone.

What’s the long term plan? (Keep working, build an empire, sell, retire, etc)

I want to have my clinic open 6 days a week with a number of health practitioners in here with me so that we have a full compliment of providers who operate in the trio of health concept. Structural immune system (chiropractor and massage), Chemical immune system (medical nutritionist and bioresonance therapist) and then more people like me who work on the emotional immune system.

What is one piece of advice you would give anyone running their own business?

Define, define, define. Every aspect of your business, life, success, relationships etc will have YOUR definition. When you do that work, you will know like you know like you know what you want and what you don’t want and that allows you to stay in your own lane without second guessing yourself. Understand the anatomy of awareness and how things get stuck in your cells, which are the foundations of road blocks. Then, of course, work with me regularly to keep your energy high and your doubts at bay. 

Notes from Sam:

I’ve known Amanda for many moons now, and I love her determination and willingness to blaze a new trail.

If you’re not familiar with her, or her work, go and check her out.

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