3 things they never told you about launching your course

27/05/2019 by Sam Leave a Comment (Edit)

This guest post was written by Bianca McKenzie

Every other entrepreneur I follow online is talking about creating an online course and how it’s the holy grail of passive income, but there’s a lot they’re not telling you. Sure, having an online course can make you extra money. Heck, some entrepreneurs have built their entire business on online courses but it’s not necessary that easy as some people would have you believe. 

The online course route can be awesome for your business and I’m not trying to rain on your parade, but I’ve been part of enough course launches to teach you a thing or two before you dive in. 

1. It’s all in the numbers

Numbers don’t lie and you may think that you’re going to be the exception (and please aim to be!) but there are industry averages for a reason. Before you get your hopes up too much, do your research and be clear on what you can expect. 

The statistics for online course conversions hover around 0.5 to 3 percent. If your course converts at 3% you’re doing extremely well. 

Knowing these statistics also give you something to work with as you can reverse engineer how many people you need to have on your list and pass through your funnel. 

In most cases it isn’t going to be an instant, overnight success but tracking your numbers from the start puts you at an advantage. It’ll help you analyse where you can improve for round two. Launching an online course is a long-term game that will take time for you to build your list and optimise your conversion rate.

2. It’s all about alignment 

“It’s about what?” I hear you say. 


What I mean to say here is that you need to listen to both your audience and yourself. Dive deep into what your audience is asking for. Find out what their challenges are and how they would want them solved. Some people are into courses, some would rather have it done for them. Find out which type your audience is and whether they’re really asking for what you intend to create. Don’t guess, don’t assume. Find out. 

Secondly, get to know yourself and what you feel comfortable with during a launch and what feels out of alignment. For example, if you really don’t want to do webinars, then don’t. Some mentors will tell you to do webinars but if you’re not into it, it’ll show. Find a way to market your program in a way that feels good and in alignment. If you feel good about what you’re creating people will pick up on your positive vibe and are much more likely to purchase. It’ll be easier for your audience to connect with you if they feel a positive connection, which builds trust. 

Trust yourself and don’t let all the noise persuade you to use tactics that don’t feel like you. 

3. Create a strategy 

You’ll find lots of information about why you should create an online course or how to create one. Sadly, there isn’t half as much information available about how to launch and market one. 

You see, creating an online course is the easy part. Launching and marketing it is the more challenging part. 

Don’t believe me? Talk to some other course creators and you’ll soon hear the stories.

To increase your chances of a successful launch I urge you to create a launch strategy. It’ll be your roadmap and will highlight what to expect and aim for along the way. Your strategy should include a timeline of tasks and their due date so that you stay on track and have enough time in advance to prepare your marketing materials. 

A strategy will help you and your team stay on track and on course. A strategy will help you plan for potential hiccups and course correct along the way. A strategy will save you heaps of stress and will give you a benchmark for your next launch.

Launching a course can be incredible for your business, just make sure that you pop your pink glasses in a drawer (for now) and be realistic about your launch. It won’t be all sunshine and roses, but you’re definitely in for a ride. You’ve got this!  

This guest post was written by Bianca McKenzie

Bianca McKenzie demystifies marketing strategy and optimizes lead generation for female entrepreneurs, big dreamers, movers and shakers so that they have more time to do what they love and be the change-makers they dream to be.

An intuitive marketer, natural connector and qualified teacher, Bianca brings marketing strategy and technology together with ease.

Bianca is a regular guest blogger on ROOOAR, a Beautiful You Coaching Academy guest speaker, Conquer Club guest teacher and E-Course Launch Formula expert contributor.

She spends her time cuddling her baby girl & two pups, zooming down the ski slopes and is an avid hiker with the Inca Trail in her back pocket.

Connect with Bianca on her WebsiteFacebookInstagramPinterestTwitter and YouTube.

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