Creating a Course that Works: Episode 1

Welcome to the “Creating a Course that works” Mini Series


You might have heard me say it before… and I am sure that you will hear me say it again.

If you are going to create your own course, then the first and most important step is getting really clear on who you are writing the course for.

The clearer you can be when you think about the audience of your course, the easier it will be to create.

You see, when people ask me questions like “How long should my course be?” “How much should my course cost?” and “Where should I host my course?” or “What tech should I use?” … my answer ALWAYS depends on who you are creating a course for.

How much do they know already?
How quickly do they want/need their problem to be solved?
What format do they like to consume information in?
Do they want to be socialable and form a community at the same time?
Do they want/need lots of extra support?

All of these questions will help you work out how to build you course.

So, the very first step when it comes to creating your own course has to be, get really, really clear on WHO you are going to be writing a course for.

Not thinking about a course yet?
Thinking about an ebook, or a membership site, or even just recording a podcast… same questions apply!!
Who are you talking to?

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