Let’s look at the 3 keys to helping it sell
You’ve got a course, and you’ve got a list… now it’s time to get it to sell.
Today – let’s look at 3 things that are going to help your course.
Now… honestly… There are lots of things that you can do to help your course to sell, including great copy on your sales page and using testimonials… but let’s look at 3 other things that you can use on your sales page.
1. Have a tight deadline
A tight deadline helps (well forces) people to make a decision, this is why most people have short sales periods.
Now most of the courses and programs that I run are Evergreen, meaning that people can sign up at any time. This creates difficulties as it doesn’t force anyone to make a decision at any time. They can just wait til next week, next month or next year… which means that they often never to.
To help people join or sign up, it can help to have a short deadline. Make sure you deadline for your sales page is only a week or do. Of course you can do launch things before you, or pre-launch, to get them all excited for what is coming, but the actual opportunity where the sales window is open is fairly short.
If you are going to run an Evergreen program (and I do for lots of reasons) make sure you realise that you are missing that key to helping them make a decision, and you are going to need something else to help convince them instead.
2. Bonuses
People love STUFF. Free things
Especially tangible things. If you can make them feel like they are getting something tangible, that they can hold and touch, that is real, they love it. They are going to buy based on bonuses, based on getting free stuff.
Bonuses you could include could be
– Previous courses
– Extra time with you
– Extra books, workbooks or manuals
– Real things in the mail
The upside of real things in the mail, is that they get this package and they get to feel all excited about opening something.
Bonuses are a great way to show people that they should sign up.
And limited time bonuses are a good way then, to increase sign ups for an Evergreen program that doesn’t have it’s own deadline.
3. Make it great value.
This one feels like a no-brainer.
I don’t need to you to say on your sales page “This course is worth a million dollars and you are going to get it for just $10” because everyone has seen it and no one believes it.
But, you do need to make sure that you are offering great value, and you need to show it to them step by step.
If you have lots of components to your course, or they get lots of things when they participate, then tell them that. Show them the value they are getting and lay it out really clearly.
In a sales page, you are going to use the emotive, benefit driven stuff at the top, and then, the features, the stuff they get, at the bottom.
It’s still really important, people need to know what they are getting for their money. You need to show them that it’s incredible value for money, that it’s a no brainer. Sure, you need to charge well for your services, but make sure that are getting more than they ever expected for that money.
Now it’s time to hear from you.
If you’ve ever bought in to a course, what was it on the sales page that convinced you?