It’s all about consistency

This week’s mini training comes to you with wet hair straight out of the shower… for a very good reason.

So, why am I recording this weeks mini training with wet hair? Because I’m already running late for the day, I just jumped out of the shower, but I promised that mini training would go out weekly.

You see, today we are talking all about consistency.

Yes, I know it’s a boring subject, but someone has to do it.

If I’ve promised that mini training will go out once a week (and land in your inbox by about 9am Wednesday morning – Brisbane time) then that’s what needs to happen. If I go on holiday, or have a really busy week, then I plan or prepare the content in advance.

Don’t get me wrong here – I’m not say that you have to blog or send emails at the same time of the same day every week… not at all.


If you’ve said that is what you are going to do… then that is what you need to do.

Ok, so maybe we are talking about Integrity as much as Consistency here.

I’ve your audience expects something from you, if you’ve promised it will go out to them, then it needs to go out.

If you can’t send your free stuff when you said you would, why would they trust that you will supply the paid services that you said you would?

So, if you’ve said you’re blog will go out – make sure it goes out.

If you have said you will email, make sure you email.

If you have said you will call, make sure you call…

You get the picture.

So this week I challenge you, to look at the way you do things, and promise yourself you will be more consistent in one area.

You might want to improve your social media, your blogging, your videos, or anything else.

Next, you need to decide what consistent means to you. Do you want to make sure something goes out at the same time on the same day? Do you want to commit to doing something once a week, or once a month?

It’s time to commit.

Tell me, what are you going to be more consistent with?

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