OMG – 2016 is nearly here (challenge for you)

It’s almost here, it’s almost here…

I feel like a kid counting down to Christmas, except I’m happily counting down the sleeps until 2016.
(Please note… you don’t have to wait for 2016 to start amazing things though!! Start today.)

I have some huge plans that I’m putting in place for 2016, and today I wanted to share them with you. (And at the end of this, I challenge you to do the same)

In 2016:

  • I want to be really open and honest with you. With social media, and everything else at the moment, we always seen the shiny side of what is going on, the good stuff. And it’s not all like that!!
    So 2016 I’m starting #reallifebiz, where I’m going to start showing you what running a business is really like.
    (In my “day job” I’m CEO of a training company here in Brisbane, and I’m going to start sharing all the behind the scenes of running a company with you.)
  • I’m still going to be talking about building great courses, and they’ll be some cool new templates coming soon
  • I’m going to be doing more vlogging, sharing what’s going on in my, behind the scenes of the business, so you can see what daily life is like. This won’t take the place of mini training, it’s in addition to ๐Ÿ™‚ You’ll still get great weekly training in your inbox.
  • I’ve set myself the challenge of 52 books in 52 weeks!! It’s a huge challenge, but I’m going to give it a go. To hold myself accountable, I’m going to do a video review of every book when I finish it, and sharing the video. So by the end of 2016 there should be 52 book review videos.
  • There are some other secret squirrel things coming up too, including World Domination Days and retreats. (World Domination to me is all about making a bigger impact in the world. That means supporting your local community, doing charitable things, supporting the world in a bigger way, because of your business).
  • There are lose plans for me to head to the US in August, to run workshops and events as well.

So there you go ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s the plans for 2016.

Now, I challenge you.

Part 1: I want you to get really clear on what are your big scary ass goals for 2016. What do you want? What are you going to achieve?

Part 2: Tell people, to hold yourself accountable. Jump into the comments down below and tell us all what you are going to do in 2016.

For bonus points: Tell your tribe what you are planning

Extra bonus points: If you video your big scary goals for 2016 and share that with us and your tribe.

See you in 2016!!

6 thoughts on “OMG – 2016 is nearly here (challenge for you)”

  1. Hi Sam

    You’re so fired up – it’s great! And 52 books is no mean feat (I just read a great copywriting book today, only short… Tell me if you’re interested!)

    I so love the idea of a ‘warts and all’ look at business, as I am getting soooo sick of hearing about six figure launches and ‘all you have to do is…’ Instructions! I’ve found that EVERYTHING I do takes about 5 times as long as I anticipate! Yes, experience will make it quicker, but experience kinda takes time.
    Here’s to an amazing 2016!


    1. Hi Jane,

      I’d love to hear which book you were reading ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m always keen for suggestions.

      I am fired up!! haha, maybe it’s all the sugar over Christmas.

      Have an amazing 2016!!

      Thank you for watching and commenting xx

  2. Sam, you’re just plain crazy, there is no way I can read a book a week! Good on you, I will read your reviews with great interest. In fact, this is my goal: read your 52 reviews (feel exhausted already).

    More seriously, I like the idea of transparency. Bravo!

    1. Hahaha ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re right, I am a little crazy Helene.

      What are you aiming to do for 2016? (other than watch all of the reviews!)

  3. Go Sam! If anyone can read 52 books in a year, you can. I’m looking forward to your reviews. I’m also looking forward to the bricks and mortar biz info. I’m sure I’ll learn a lot.

    Happy New Year!


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