What if I’m not an expert?

Who the hell would listen to me?

Have you ever said that to yourself…?

Who would listen to me? I’m not an expert!

I don’t have any qualifications

What if I get found out?

It’s ok!!

Most of the time you don’t have to be an expert, or even be qualified, to be able to write a great course.

As long as you know enough to help your students, as long as what you are giving them is valuable… you don’t have to know everything.

Take my cooking skills for example… the other day I managed to boil dry a pot of water… yup – I screwed up boiling water!!

See, I don’t need a world renowned chef to come and teach me. I don’t need a cooking expert, I don’t need a qualified chef…

If I had any intention of getting any better (I don’t really) then all I would need is someone who knew more than I did, and could show me in a way that makes sense to me.

You don’t have to be an expert to create a course that will help people.

Disclaimer: In some industries you do have to be qualified. For example, finance in most countries is a heavily regulated area, and you may have to be qualified to give “advice”. Check with your local laws if you think your industry has controls and make sure that you are doing the right thing.

6 thoughts on “What if I’m not an expert?”

  1. Hey Sam,
    Really you burnt a saucepan of water? lol hilarious girl!!!!

    Loved this weeks video and a great question from ‘Mystery Lady’ as I was thinking the same thing this last week. Now i know my answer I have given myself a deadline for my very first workshop!!! WoooHooo

    Now if only I could find an extra few hours a day to write it!!! lol

  2. I am working on a habit change course, breaking bad habits, getting good habits established. I am working with information I gathered from experts in several different fields and my own experience. I used the experts knowledge to plan my actions, then gave it a shot to see if it worked. When it did work, I decided to share my research and experience in a course. I have been intimidated to make my course a reality. I am kinda making up my title of Habit Coach. I will give the authors full credit and be transparent about my process and credentials. That’s how I’m pushing through the insecurity.

    1. Hi Jennifer,

      Thanks for taking the time to share with us what you are up to ๐Ÿ™‚

      That’s a great way to approach it. There are lots of “experts” who are willing to be interviewed, to share their work or who are willing to contribute in some way. This can really help build the content of a course.

      Well done ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I love it! I should make my way to Brisbane and teach you how to make killer chili and killer spaghetti sauce (big batches make for a week’s worth of dinner).

    I have several course ideas brewing. Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance, Intro to Business (already written, just needs to be put into course format), and a first time job seeker’s guide.

    1. Robyn – you really should come over for a trip one time!!

      I am sure you have a head FULL of different course ideas ๐Ÿ™‚

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